3 Simple Ideas To Improve Your Performance

3 simple ideas to improve your performance

Being consistent and achieving goals – if we take into account the time it has taken to achieve these goals – is not a task where it is easy to maintain good performance.  Although it may not seem like the first move to identify them, some psychologists actually dedicate many years of study and practice to trying to improve the performance of others. The studies have been on practitioners, students, air traffic controllers and many other professions.

One way to achieve better performance, which can be used in most cases, is through reinforcement of motivation, organization of information or visualization of tasks. From the many ways you can improve your performance from a psychological perspective,  we have selected three simple ideas for this article. The great thing about them is that you can use them yourself, and they do not have any unwanted side effects.

Manage your time and organize your priorities clearly

Good organization is important to get maximum performance in any project, work or task.  In the same way, good organization is based on a stable set of priorities. It has an effective way of putting these priorities in order, depending on the circumstances.

Two of the most important parameters that determine the order we are talking about are the  relevance of each task and how urgent it is.  Stephen Covey spent many years as an expert in the management of large companies where he created the following method to decide what to do at any given moment.

Use this method to add pending tasks to your calendar and improve your performance. It will let you finish things before the deadline.  It will also help you find out when it is right to delegate a job further or when to remove it from the list of “pending tasks”.

The Eisenhower box

Be realistic in your planning and organization

One of the biggest mistakes made by people who want to improve their performance is  an inability to calibrate how long it takes to achieve a goal or complete a task.  This leads to great frustration. They always feel that they can not do it in time. In addition, the lack of productivity means that they often experience that they give up or are more easily distracted. This ends up creating a cycle that gradually undermines their self-esteem.

How can you avoid falling into this trap? The best thing you can do when planning a complex task is to break it down into simple elements. By doing this, your estimate of the time it will take you to complete the task will be much more realistic. If you really do not have a clue, this breakdown of the task will also help you remember the tools you need before you go to work.

Another good idea to get more realism in your agenda is to  divide your day into two parts: morning and afternoon.  Or even in the middle of the morning and in the middle of the afternoon. It is also important to include breaks and small rewards. Moments of concentration are just as important as your  “moments of leisure”  if you really want to achieve good performance and maintain your motivation.

Where do you feel like going to do what you do?

Trying to improve your performance, stay motivated and be consistent without knowing why you are doing what you are doing is simply impossible.  The activities or tasks without a “final” motive are the ones that are the most difficult to maintain over time. They are done without “care or detail”, and your performance is affected because you are not interested deep down. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a picture in your work area, either on your desk or somewhere else near you. The picture should  remind you of the reason for your efforts.

Happy woman at work

If your job does not make you happy, you need to keep looking at that picture.  It is the job that allows you to take care of your family. It allows you to take the trips you enjoy and enjoy so much. It allows you to go to concerts or go out on the weekends with your better half. Sometimes the work and tasks are not satisfactory in themselves, but they allow you to reach a higher goal. So,  it is good for you to have elements that remind you of your motivation.

Put these 3 simple ideas into practice for a week. You will feel more concerned with managing your time and seeing how your performance improves. They are easy to put into practice and you will not regret it !

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