4 Decisions You Should Not Make At The Wrong Time

4 decisions you should not make at the wrong time

Bad periods are necessary to be able to find happiness, as it is through these that we analyze our actions and develop ourselves. Although you like to think that it is the good moments filled with joy and laughter that make you happy, it is the less good ones that have the greatest effect. A bad experience can help us move forward in life.

An important point when it comes to the bad periods is what decisions we make. The most basic thing is how to face what is happening; with optimism or denial. From here, there are several possible paths that one can take.

This time we want to consider which decisions you should not make at the wrong time. Although it may seem very difficult, in some situations it may be better to stay calm and wait for the situation to change. If you do not choose to do so, you may end up regretting the wrong choice.

1. To end relationships

In difficult times with lies and complicated situations, you may feel that ending the relationship is the best decision you can make. 

What may at first seem very serious can later be experienced as a filleting. Cases of discussions and disappointments can have their solutions if given time. Our advice is that you should try to avoid saying something that could hurt the other.

Give yourself a few hours to think about the situation. Once you have calmed down, you can go back to talking about what has happened. Discussions are very common in both friendships and relationships.

2. Intentionally hurting the other person


During a discussion or painful moment, ugly comments can take place. This is understandable and even if it hurts, it is possible to move on. If, on the other hand, you throw comments only with the intention of hurting the other, you have a problem . It does not make sense to bring up previous quarrels, comparisons and things that you know hurt the other person.

At first you may think that in this way you get an advantage, but you lose confidence. You do not have to hurt anyone to feel that you have won. Remember that the opposing party is also a person who does not deserve to be hurt. In the worst case, you may lose the one you love.

3. To quit the job

When going through a bad period, you should not let your emotions control you. You may think that you do not want your job. But is it actually so? Sometimes we feel knocked out by stress and pressure.

Give yourself time to analyze your situation .  It’s worth switching to another option if you’re in a place you do not like. If, on the other hand, you feel exhausted, a holiday or a break can be a good idea.

If it is not possible to be absent from work or to be able to take a holiday there and then, you should make use of the weekends. Relax and do activities that help you forget about everyday demands.

4. Starting relationships

Just as you should not end any relationships at the wrong moment, you should not start any. I refer in particular to relationships that can have serious consequences. It is not stupid to start friendships in such moments, but it is something else with relationships and marriage.

Maybe you think that such decisions give you stability in life. For stability, on the other hand, to be real and lasting, a relationship should be based on real feelings.

You create more problems for yourself if you enter into a relationship where you think the other person will solve your problems. Remember that even a relationship based on love can fail if there are other shortcomings. This is something that is exacerbated by “passing” or “life-saving” conditions.

Learn from the bad times and move on

Woman with wine glass

A bad period is not the end of anything. It neither condemns nor limits you. Learn to see the negative situations as they are: a part of life. 

Cry if you need it, get angry if the situation dictates it and keep the necessary distance to be able to organize your ideas. In this way, you process the information better, avoid heated discussions and have less things to regret.

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