5 Myths About Going To Sleep That We Will Reveal

When it comes to myths about going to sleep, one of the most popular is that waking a sleepwalker is dangerous. Some say they can have a heart attack and die.
5 myths about going to sleep that we will reveal

Going to sleep is a sleep disorder that causes a person to get out of bed at night and even talk while sleeping. In fact, the person may act normally as if they were awake, and family members are usually afraid that something might happen to them in this condition. For example, if this person goes outside, they may be hit by a car. Despite what we know about this disorder, today we will uncover some myths about going to sleep that we thought were real.

Some of them have made their way into society as common knowledge even though they are not true. However , many myths about going to sleep have come from certain faiths that we have not doubted or confirmed.

1. It is dangerous to wake a sleepwalker

When it comes to myths about going to sleep, one of the most popular is that waking a sleepwalker is dangerous. Some say they can have a  heart attack  and die, while others say that the sleepwalker can go crazy because of the situation. However, that is not true.

What happens when we wake a sleepwalker? Sometimes we have such detailed dreams that they seem real, and we feel disoriented when we wake up. Well, something similar happens to someone if they fall asleep and wake up somewhere other than where they fell asleep.

Myths about going to sleep

A heart attack is a possibility if the person has heart problems, but it rarely happens. Something that really happens often is that the person feels confused, disoriented and may be a little grumpy or short-tempered. What you should do in that moment is calm them down and tell them what happened. It will be very likely that they know about their condition and go to bed again.

2. They can not be damaged in that condition

Another when it comes to myths about going to sleep is that the sleepwalker can not feel pain or get hurt when they have an episode of sleepwalking. This is why the people who redirect the sleepwalker to bed do not worry if they fall or hit something.

Sleepwalkers do not lose sensitivity, nor do they suddenly become immune to any stimuli. They can still be injured. Therefore, it is important to be careful when taking them back to bed. In fact, if they hit something hard enough, they may even wake up.

3. Sleepwalkers always have their eyes closed

We have all seen horror movies where sleepwalkers have their eyes closed. But as we said earlier, this only happens in movies. In reality, the situation is very different.

Sleepwalkers do not always have their eyes closed. How could they see if the door is open or not? How would they go up or down stairs if they could not see them? They can do all this because they have their eyes open and can see where they are going and what is happening around them, even if their brain is in deep sleep.

4. It happens every night

Several myths about going to sleep have penetrated modern culture, and this is one of them. People tend to think that sleepwalkers have an episode every night. In other words, they need to be taken care of every time they go to bed because it is very likely that they will get out of bed. This is a misconception about this condition.

Sleepwalkers do not get up in their sleep every night. This tends to happen when they are going through a stressful period in life. Stress is what causes a sleepwalker to have episodes during a week, month or just a few sporadic days. Therefore, it is important to treat stress.

Myths about going to sleep

5. You need to lock them

Family members tend to worry about a sleepwalker to the point that they can lock them in or physically restrain them. However, this is not a positive thing to do. A sleepwalker is more likely to injure themselves when locked up or confined to a small room.

The ideal course of action is to close doors and windows. Having blinds in the window is a good idea because if the person opens them, they will wake up from the sounds they make. It is equally important to be careful not to leave any sharp objects within reach or anything that could injure themselves. For example, objects such as knives or lighters should be stored in places that are difficult to reach.

Some safety precautions are required, which will vary for each sleepwalker. Some patients tend to go out while others go to the kitchen to eat something and may even cook. Therefore, experts recommend keeping all potentially dangerous objects out of reach.

Girl sleeping

Although there is still no specific treatment for sleepwalking, it is recommended to have good sleeping habits. Here are some things that can help:

  • Do not eat a heavy meal before going to bed.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Treat your stress with therapy.

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