5 Of The Worst Foods For Your Brain

5 of the worst foods for your brain

Do you know what are the worst foods for your brain?

Having a healthy brain depends on many different factors. The two most important are exercise and oxygenation. But what we eat also plays a very important role. It will either give or remove substances that directly affect brain function.

Natural products make up a healthy diet. Above all, a healthy diet seeks balance. Nothing is good in excess. We should avoid overly processed foods. We should especially pay attention to foods with large amounts of sugar, salt or fat.

Our mood, our learning abilities and our memory are affected by the foods we eat. They contain substances that can affect the nervous system and the brain. That is why it is so important to take care of what you eat.

Some of these harmful ingredients are in most processed foods, but they go unnoticed. We only see them if we read the ingredient list carefully, but their names can be long and difficult to understand.

We will now list five of the worst foods for your brain if you want to keep it healthy.

1. Gluten: One of the worst foods for your brain

Gluten is a group of proteins found in many grains. Although they are not exactly the same, we use this generic name because they have many similarities. Gluten is in varieties of wheat, barley, rye and other similar foods.

These proteins attach to the small intestine and cause metabolic, digestive and immune disorders. Some people are more sensitive to gluten. Others are not very sensitive, but it still affects their bodies, even if they do not feel it. Today, extra gluten is added to ready-made baked goods from the shops, and we get larger quantities than what is normally found in these cereals. Gluten is one of the worst foods for your brain because it affects the nervous system.

Bread and cereals with gluten which are among the worst foods for your brain

2. Artificial sweeteners

Sweeteners are substances that replace sugar in foods. There are some that are natural, but most are artificial. We know that they affect the health of the brain. In fact, many call them “brain toxins” because they cause neuronal agitation.

Aspartame and saccharin, two artificial sweeteners, have been associated with certain nervous system disorders. Among them are depression, anxiety, recurrent migraines and speech disorders. A wide variety of foods contain these sweeteners. In general, foods labeled “light” or “low in sugar” contain these artificial sweeteners.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): One of the worst foods for your brain

MSG is in almost all packaged and canned foods. MSG is an extremely concentrated salt. The food industry uses it as a preservative and also to improve the taste and smell of food. Studies show that consumption of MSG stimulates the production of dopamine in the brain.

Dopamine generates an instant sense of well-being. However, monosodium glutamate also has high levels of so-called “excitotoxins”. There is strong evidence that this substance affects the health of the brain. Researchers link serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia and chronic fatigue to MSG consumption.

4. Refined sugar

Researchers consider sugar to be one of the three “white toxins”, along with salt and refined flour. Currently, it is one of the most widely used ingredients in all kinds of foods. Prolonged consumption of sugar can cause problems and endanger the brain.

Refined sugar prevents a protein called BDNF from working properly. This protein performs important functions in the nervous system. Two of these features protect your memory and facilitate connections between neurons. Studies have shown that people with schizophrenia or depression get worse when they regularly eat sugar.

5. Fluoride: One of the worst foods for your brain

Fluoride is a mineral that some authorities add to water for purity and health reasons. Although we can not taste it, it is there when the water comes out of the tap.

Critics have seriously questioned the use of fluoride in water. Researchers suspect that fluoride may be related to poor intellectual performance and changes in some cognitive functions.

tap water and fluoridation

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) presented evidence from 34 studies that appear to confirm this claim. Organizations such as UNICEF take a stand against fluoride in water. We know that bottled water has an even higher concentration of fluoride. In the Nordic countries, fluoridation of water is illegal.

The best thing to do to keep your brain healthy is to eat fresh food. Packaged and processed foods are some of the worst foods for your brain. Not only do they have a very low nutritional value, they also make us sick. It is best to avoid them completely.

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