5 Tips To Help You Disconnect From Your Job

5 tips to help you disconnect from your job

Disconnecting from your job is not easy. We are used to our routines. And we are constantly on guard, with phones and computers turned on at all times. Sometimes it means that you do not even care that it is a weekend or that you are on vacation. You probably know that the stress you are under in everyday life should remain in the office, but that does not stop you from carrying it around with you as a heavy weight.

This condition can cause major problems for you in the long run. We are humans, not machines, and we need both physical and mental rest. When you are not resting, this is how you end up having problems with your emotional and psychological health.

What happens when you can not disconnect from your job?

Social consequences

Not knowing how to disconnect from your job will not only hurt you; It will affect your loved ones as well. It’s not pleasant to be with someone who constantly has to check their phone. It makes others feel excluded and insignificant.  Needless to say, relationship problems often follow.

It is not good to use such devices at social gatherings either, because it is quite rude. Think about how much worse it is to do it at home, then. Your better half deserves your attention too.

Husband works at home

Psychological and emotional consequences

Living in constant exhaustion is extremely bad for your mental health. It can lead to stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. All of this will obviously affect the people closest to you. There is another place where your relationships are affected by your addiction.

It can also cause you to develop obsessive-compulsive disorder that can lead to even more serious conditions. You need help with this.

Physical consequences

When you can not disconnect from your job, your body feels it. You do not get much rest and it is more likely that you will suffer from chronic neck and back pain. Being constantly tense is bad for more than just your thoughts; it is bad for your body too.

It is also common to have sleep problems such as insomnia and night terrors. Both of these things are very uncomfortable and it takes a lot of patience to work through them.

5 tips to help you disconnect from your job

If you have realized that you can not disconnect from your job, but you want to do something about it, you are in the right place. The only way these tips can ever help you is if you are willing to follow them.

The first thing to remember is that disconnecting does not make you irresponsible. It actually helps you perform better when you are at work, so you become more productive. When you are out of work, you are completely free to spend your time as you wish.

Stressed woman at work

Spend time with people you love

It does not matter where: it can be in someone’s house, a bar, a restaurant. The point is to try to spend time with people who matter to you. Ask about their lives, what comes to mind  (but not work), and have fun.

You can also spend time with your colleagues outside of working hours. They can feel the same way as you and will disconnect by having a drink and talking about anything.

Sign up for something fun

You can probably come up with activities you have not signed up for for many different reasons. Lack of time, stress and “what do people want to say” are some of the most common. Forget all this and sign up for the activity you have been thinking about for a long time that you want to do. 

Spend a few hours on yourself. It will be good for your brain and your self-confidence. It will also help you meet new people with the same interests as you.

Plan a trip or two each year

Plan a trip or two each year to places you’ve never been before. Plan some routes, look at maps, watch documentaries and videos about it, and find out if you want relaxation or adventure.

Either way, it will give you the excitement you need for your mind, to focus on something else in addition to work. Traveling is and will always be a great way to change gears.

Woman on vacation

Try to reduce your use of social media

Try to use the phone (and thus social media) as little as possible. With few exceptions, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram only lead to addiction. Spend less time on them so you can spend more time on yourself and the people around you.

Read a good book or watch a good movie

Books and movies are a good choice – and also a great distraction from other things, like work. When you read or watch a movie, you give your brain a chance to forget everything else. Some books and movies can also help you grow as a person and learn something new, so that you actually get double the benefits.

Choose any that you find interesting and sit down comfortably. It’s time to relax and stop thinking about work!

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