6 Attitudes That Push You Away From Others

Attitudes that push you away from other people are detrimental to any healthy relationship. It is important to learn to identify them so that you can build healthy and fruitful relationships with others.
6 attitudes that push you away from others

Being physically apart is not the only way to end up being distant from your loved ones. Sometimes, even when they are right next to you, you may feel that they are not there at all. In a relationship  , not only does the connection between you grow from being physically close to each other. It also grows through the exchange of love, actions and intentions. That’s why it’s so important to be careful about what kind of attitudes push you away from your partner, instead of bringing you together.

You must also keep in mind that this type of psychological distance can be the result of many different problems or obstacles, whether yours or others’. It is therefore important that you check yourself. You need to see how you feel because it’s a great way to get information. In the big picture, it does not matter why it happens: these are painful situations. Let’s dive deeper into it.

What pushes you away from others?

Since humans are social creatures, only psychological problems  push you away from other humans. If someone constantly refuses to be around other people, they may be dealing with issues you simply have not noticed yet. On a clinical level, depression may be one reason for this. If so, only a specialist can help the sufferer.

There are also other attitudes that have more to do with psychological characteristics that make you push yourself away from other people. They may not be disorders or conditions, but these attitudes still affect your relationship with others. Now let’s look at some of these attitudes.

Angry couple sitting on sofa


According to Merriam-Webster, selfishness is “being excessively or solely concerned with oneself or one’s own benefit, joy, or welfare, no matter what happens to others.” Selfish people do not care about the interests or desires of others. They always seem less important than their own.

These people do not care about the problems of others. They see the other way. It is difficult to address issues with selfish people because they refuse to acknowledge a problem that stems from them. In fact, they will usually find the problem in the people who tell them about their concerns. This almost always leads to separation, both physically and emotionally.


Here  the toxic attitude of  an abuser shows a direct reflection in the person they are abusing. Abuse means to “treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly”. In cases of abuse, the abused person treats intensely negative psychological experiences, and feels that the abuser is pushing away from the idea they lured with. The abuser also pushes himself psychologically away from the person he is abusing. They have stopped noticing their emotions, and treat them as if they are a meaningless object.

However, this is a very special situation. Although the abuser’s behavior and attitudes push his victim away, there is still a hidden form of manipulation that prevents them from separating most of the time. What we are saying is simply that this type of relationship is miles away from a conscious, affectionate, healthy bond between two people.


Directly related to abuse, contempt can take many different forms. For example, humor in extreme sarcasm can only reveal a desire to harm the other person. It is usually due to a feeling of (intellectual) superiority from the person who feels contempt.

In fact, according to the dictionary, a common synonym for contempt is “contempt”. It’s a kind of dissatisfaction, it means you sit away from the other person. That’s what makes it one of the attitudes that push you away from others. Treating people from a superior place is nothing but a form of rejection.

To lie

This is one of the most common attitudes that push you away from others. It can also seem harmless at that time. Lying means hiding the truth or creating a new one. It’s like putting on a mask to hide something you do not want to show.

But how can you trust someone who is lying? How can you expect someone to trust you if you are lying? It makes perfect sense that lies will push people away from you. It’s like boycotting honesty, and it does nothing but erode the bond you have with other people. When you lie, do not let them know you.

Woman chooses which mask to wear

To play the victim

When you take up this attitude, it can be very detrimental to your relationships. It’s not just because it diminishes the importance of what a victim is and makes it so that real victims lose credibility. It’s also because you force other people to feel unnecessarily guilty.

Playing the victim is a kind of self-deception. It is proof that you do not have the opportunity to self-regulate and take control of your emotions. These people choose to settle down with constant complaining and criticism as a way of survival. They blame other people for their own misfortune or any other negative state of mind they are in.


In connection with contempt and abuse, manipulation is the result of feeling intellectually superior. Manipulative people try to influence the attitudes of others for their own gain. They usually rush forward with their intentions because of the sense of intellectual superiority they have. But when the people around them begin to realize what they are doing, their instinct is to reject that person.

As you can see, attitudes that push you away from other people are detrimental to any healthy relationship. That is why it is so important to learn to identify them. That way, you can build healthy and fruitful relationships with other people.

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