Morning Sadness And Morning Depression: Why Does It Happen?

Morning sadness can be the result of unhealthy habits or insufficient rest. However, it can also be a sign of a mood disorder. How can you see the difference?
Morning sadness and morning depression: Why does it happen?

Many people say that they experience sadness in the morning, more than at any other time of the day. Sometimes morning sadness can be especially severe, and can even be a sign of severe depression. As the day progresses, the person will begin to feel better. At night, for example, they may not even feel sad.

This morning sadness has been called “morning depression” or “daily mood swings”. It is very specific. Therefore, it is different from other types of depression. The main characteristic is that it only occurs in the first hours of the day.

In some cases, morning sickness is  not directly related to depression, but rather a consequence of other causes. At the same time, in other cases, it may not only be a transient feeling of sadness in the morning, but may also be part of a more serious disorder.

A woman looking out of her bedroom window.

Why morning sadness?

According to what science has established, morning sadness is basically due to at least one of three factors: depression, poor sleep and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

In the case of the first, morning sadness or morning depression is when the symptoms of depression are stronger at the beginning of the day, just after the person wakes up. They may feel uninterested, unmotivated and emotionally empty, and these feelings do not go away. As the day goes on, however, these symptoms may become less intense, although they may not disappear completely.

Another reason why you may feel sad in the morning is due to a bad night’s sleep. You may have slept a little, but the rest was not enough to help you recover from the day before. Your bedroom may not be ideal for a good night’s sleep, or you may have some health problems that do not allow you to sleep properly. Whatever the case, it is very likely that you will feel terrible in the morning.

Finally, the feeling of sadness can also appear when you drank alcohol the night before you fell asleep. At first, alcohol will soothe you, but later it will affect your sleep cycle and disrupt it at night. On the other hand, alcohol also affects the nervous system negatively, and you will feel these effects the next morning.

Morning depression

Of all the different causes of morning sickness, it is most complex when it comes to depression. This is a condition that requires professional attention because it can be a sign of a disorder or the beginning of one. The main symptoms of morning depression are the following:

  • Difficulty breathing or getting out of bed. Your eyelids may feel heavy and your body may not be able to move.
  • Problems falling asleep at night or waking up several times during the night. This may be a sign that your body is producing more cortisol at night, which means more night anxiety and difficulty resting.
  • Hypersomnia. Some people feel the need to sleep more than normal, for no apparent reason. This can be a symptom of depression, although it may not always be the case.
  • Irregular eating habits r. Eating too much or too little, especially at night, can be a sign that your mood is not right.
  • Lack of concentration. You may find it difficult to concentrate on your daily tasks, and you are trying to do too many things at once, or you may have trouble completing what you started, even simple tasks.
  • Irritability or feeling of frustration. These feelings are more intense in the morning, but they can last all day, although they are likely to be less intense.
  • Loss of interest in the things you usually like to do and a feeling of emptiness.
A woman who does not want to get out of bed.

What can you do?

If the feeling of morning sickness is very intense or frequent, it may be worth seeing a doctor. One in five people who suffer from depression also has a type of sleep disorder. You can also find out about another health condition that affects your rest.

Working in the evening, especially if it involves a lot of stress, can also cause sadness in the morning. Under these conditions, you can overwork your body and mind, and the result is an imbalance that can manifest itself as sadness in the morning.

If something worries you, or if you are constantly experiencing feelings of disinterest and hopelessness, you may need psychological help. The earlier you get help, the better. Apart from these suggestions, it is also good to cultivate good sleep habits, such as going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. These good habits can also help you get enough rest.

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