Dear Life, I Will Live With Passion

Dear life, I will live with passion

Dear life,

I want to say I’m sorry for all the times I neglected you. I’m sorry for the times I did not take advantage of everything you offered me. Now that I have overcome my fears, my modesty and my prejudices, I promise to live with passion to dance with you until dawn, to love you, listen to you and make you laugh until your stomach hurts and you are out of breath . Because you and I understand each other, and we deserve that joy.

Saying this to ourselves at some point in our lives implies a turning point, or as anyone who loves spirituality would say, “an awakening.” Yet we are not always able to use all our resources and actions to create a firm commitment to ourselves so that we can enjoy the days ahead.

The goal of living so intensely may seem hedonistic, but there is a simple idea behind this vision that everyone from anthropologists to sociologists (including positivist psychologists) agrees on. All actions that humans perform have two basic motivations: to survive, and when taken care of, to be happy.

Existing, opening your eyes every morning, putting one foot in front of the other and relating to each other, are things that respond to a continuous process of “trial and error”. From this process we gradually learn to achieve what we want most: stability, inner peace, well-being and mainly happiness. To achieve the goal, we must add an ingredient to the recipe: passion.

Purple and blue dancers

The secret is to live your life with passion

Humanistic psychology continues to be one of the most important and useful schools of thought in the field. At the same time, we cannot understand it without the help of the great minds of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. They were the first to point out that we are the masters of our own self-realization. They said that we are the ones who have to work every day for our personal growth and happiness.

Before Rogers and Maslow,  other schools of thought such as Freudian psychoanalysis or even behaviorism defined us as passive beings who were unable to influence our surroundings. It could not be further from the truth. As Rogers taught us, few things are as important to people as seeing themselves as functional and able to change what is around them by using four basic components: a flexible mind, a sense of freedom, self-confidence and openness to experience. .

At the same time, many psychologists with the same focus have added a component that they call “passionate purpose”. To reach self-realization at the top of Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs and to have a significant and positive impact on our own lives, we need passion. With passionate purpose, a stable and faithful commitment takes shape within ourselves, allowing us to face adversity, forget our fears and worries, and live each day full of motivation and the promise of our dreams.

Woman paints stars

From now on I will live life to the fullest

We can say with some certainty that today’s consumer society has convinced us that happiness is a short and fleeting state that is almost always linked to leisure and owning certain products. A nice car, a certain phone brand , certain comforts in the home, a certain style of branded clothes… All these things give us a one-time happiness, a false sense of well-being that turns us into really addicted.

Maybe it’s better to see things from a different and more logical perspective. Let us accept once and for all that happiness does not have to be short or fleeting. To help us achieve the kind of life we ​​want, need and that can give us permanent well-being, we must work hard every day with certain aspects of our lives.

Let’s reflect on them.

Couple with bikes

Keys to living with passion

  • To be happier from day to day and to ensure that our well-being is permanent and satisfying, we must find the inner passions that define us and give shape to our lives. To that end, we must ensure that everything we do is satisfactory and in harmony with our values, our identity and our personal interests.
  • Today we understand that emotions and intuition play an important role in understanding our behavior. Nevertheless, we should clearly understand that in our efforts to be happy, we must make rational, firm and objective decisions. This will mean, for example, that we distance ourselves from certain people, leave a job to start a new project, etc.…
  • . Contrary to many people’s beliefs, it takes some discipline to live life to the fullest. Sometimes we have to forget about instant gratification to get better long-term results.

To sum up, it takes a strong will, discipline and some courage to live a more meaningful and positive existence. We all know that sometimes we have to make some serious decisions that will help us fulfill our long-awaited desires.

Dare to do so can open the door to be our true self for the first time in a long time…

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