A Quiet Life Can Be A Happy Life

A quiet life can be a happy life

Some people already know from childhood what they will be when they grow up, and tell them what to do “when they grow up”. For others, it is a little harder to decide which way to go, but for most of us, if not all, we have to ask ourselves the same question: what should I do with my life? Being happy and having a happy life is largely shaped after reaching a goal. Few of those who tell you what they will be when they grow up will say that what they want is to have a quiet life. When you think about it, what kind of goal is it really?

Our culture seems to have an intense focus on our passions and dreams. For example, if you watch the most popular TV shows on TV, you will realize that these are the programs where people compete for the opportunity to live out their dreams.

It seems that the idea that success, being number one, doing better than everyone else, and achieving what no one has achieved before or realizing a dream – that’s what we have to do. No one tells us that the price that often has to be paid for this is much higher than the one we have to pay to achieve other goals. Having a quiet life is also an opportunity.

The ego’s constant desire to be special

Having a gift and a talent is not always a blessing; That’s not necessarily what makes you happy. In today’s society, it seems that if you are good at something, you need to take advantage of it and make it available to those who want to use it. You have to make a career out of it. We are convinced that this talent is what makes us special, and that we must show it to the world.

Woman has a happy life where she sits in a chair on top of a mountain

The same thing happens with people who have great intellectual capacity. Somehow, the more intelligent a person is, the more he is pressured to get a “good job” or study something more complicated. It may seem like a lie, but their choices are actually reduced because they can not “waste” the talent they have for studies. You can not waste your talent to have a happy life.

Perhaps the road goes along the lines of teaching our young people that the answer to the question  “What do you want to be” does not necessarily have to correspond to ” What do you want to work as”.

Not achieving everything you crave can be a blessing

It’s easy to dream of a happy life, a wonderful life,  full of personal and professional recognition, luxurious things you can afford thanks to your wonderful job, a sea of ​​opportunities to have a dream life, one of those we see on TV . The truth is that we often think it has to be that way.

But we are often so obsessed with the idea of ​​getting what we want or what is expected of us, that we forget the many things we encounter along the way. In this quest for success, we weigh ourselves down with stress, our personal relationships are affected by the extent to which we achieve what we set out to do, and it is easy to neglect our emotional and spiritual needs.

Divorced, stressed and relaxed

You can probably come up with many examples of people who are at the top, who have achieved great triumphs, who are experts in their fields, but who live at the limit of their physical strength and their mental sanity, not to mention their health. People who are under a lot of pressure and who, for some reason, have no choice but to continue down the same path, after all, people who have no opportunity to change.

You can  probably also come across people who, for whatever reason, stopped chasing their dreams, and changed their lifestyle – and who profited from this change or who simply had to stop what they were doing. These are the ones this quote refers to:

The key here is to be flexible, to accept the blows and let the best of defeat grow inside you , to look inside yourself, and not just past. What do you want out of life? Is it to be or is it to have? Accepting the cards you have been dealt in life can allow you to play a good game.

A happy life: The meaning of life is to seek to be happy

Is being happy and having a happy life really a valid goal for our surroundings? Deep down, we all know that it is difficult, especially under the conditions society has imposed on us today, with a general tendency that we must always complicate our lives. Making some things easier can be a great opportunity for us to start searching for the joy that we really long for. 

Green road

Each of us must look for the way we want to follow the path, without feeling guilty for choosing one path or another, and we must respect the path that others choose to take.

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