Abuse Of Prescription Drugs

Abuse of prescription drugs is a worldwide problem. One of the contributing factors is the misdiagnosis of ADHD, which gives more people access to psychostimulants.
Abuse of prescription drugs

People nowadays use all kinds of prescription drugs. For example, taking a painkiller to avoid getting a headache is considered normal. One of the consequences of this is that the misuse of prescription drugs is becoming more and more common. 

These days, one of the major reasons why people use prescription drugs is to improve their intellectual performance. This problem has been around since the 50’s or 60’s. But it has worsened in the last ten years.

There is even a Netflix documentary about this, called Take Your Pill s. In the documentary, we see people using prescription drugs to control ADHD symptoms and improve their academic performance. The documentary also discusses all the health hazards of prescription drugs.

In this article, we will discuss the implications of using medications to improve academic performance. We will also talk about the possible negative mental and physical health consequences of this practice and reflect on the role of education systems in diagnosing learning disabilities such as ADHD.

Abuse of prescription drugs: Misdiagnosis of ADHD

In the documentary Take Your Pills , you see educational factors that have led many students to take medications that they do not need. The main reason for this widespread misuse of prescription drugs is a massive misdiagnosis of ADHD. Most people know what ADHD is, or have heard of it, which makes a false diagnosis more likely. As it is a “popular” disorder, many in the health care system end up diagnosing patients who do not actually have it.

Prescription medications intended for ADHD patients are often abused.

The current education model has led to more students exhibiting ADHD symptoms. Children and adolescents are overstimulated on a visual, auditory and tactile level. They start playing with their phones, tablets and video games at a very young age.

When they start school, they find the conventional model incredibly boring. In other words, their brains are used to functioning in highly volatile environments. Thus, it is hard for them to stay calm and attentive for hours while a teacher explains something to them.

In this context, many children have difficulty concentrating and end up being diagnosed with ADHD. In reality, they only respond to an education model that has not adapted to the needs of the digital natives. Our environment is very dynamic, but the education system has not changed in over a hundred years. Therefore, it is easy to understand that we overdiagnose ADHD.

Work ethic and competition in education

Work ethic and competitiveness are another factor that can lead to the misuse of prescription drugs. In this individualistic culture, it is easy to become preoccupied with the need to win. If you are struggling at school and have easy access to something that helps you concentrate, why not take it?

In other words, people who do not get up and down or stand out to psychostimulants resort to solving their problems. Schools evaluate all students in exactly the same way. Therefore, those with special needs have a disadvantage due to this seemingly “equal” evaluation and grading.

Abuse of prescription drugs is much more common in people who have difficulty in traditional school settings. It is also difficult for people who are unable to dedicate themselves only to school due to family problems or financial responsibility.

Positive effects of psychostimulants

Medications to improve focus and academic performance prevent your nerve cells from resuming dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is responsible for things like motivation and concentration, while norepinephrine increases your alertness and intellectual energy.

The most well-known psychostimulants are methylphenidate, atomoxetine, Adderall (a brand name well known in the United States) and Concerta (brand name from Spain).

These drugs increase dopamine and cerebral norepinephrine levels in the brain (especially in the forehead lobe). This makes you feel motivated, alert, focused and have fun more easily.

You should remember that all medications can have unwanted side effects. This is one of the reasons why the misuse of prescription drugs can be so dangerous.

Abuse of prescription drugs can have unwanted side effects.

Disadvantages of misuse of prescription drugs

Prescription medications can have many side effects, including heart palpitations, insomnia, irritation, anxiety and anorexia. Furthermore, it is easy to become addicted to all these medications.

Finally, it is important to understand that people with ADHD actually need medication. But the drugs cannot solve their problem completely. People with ADHD need learning tools and strategies. In most cases, medication should be part of the solution, not the solution itself.

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