Apeirophobia: The Fear Of The Infinite

Apeirophobia can cause great discomfort. For this reason, it is important to go to a specialist if it starts to keep you from living a good life.
Apeirophobia: The fear of infinity

Apeirophobia, or the fear of infinity, is a very strange phobia that very few people know about. But before we explain what it is, we will briefly discuss what a phobia is.

A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of certain situations, objects, people or activities. The DSM-5 classifies it as an anxiety disorder. One of the most important characteristics of a phobia is the desire to avoid or escape from what one fears in order to reduce the anxiety and discomfort that it causes.

In this sense, it is important to distinguish between phobias and fears. To understand the difference, we must look at the intensity of the fear and the consequences that follow from it. With this in mind, we must observe whether a fear begins to significantly disrupt the person’s life. In addition, it is a phobia if it intensifies and provokes evasive behavior.

Although there is no specific cause for a manifestation of a phobia, there are some genetic, social or learned factors that may be related. Traumatic childhood experiences can also have an impact. For example, if a child watches a documentary about how black holes absorb stars in the universe, a deep fear of being absorbed by a black hole can overcome them.

What is apeirophobia?

Apeirophobia is the exaggerated and irrational fear of understanding the concept of infinity and eternity. This fear causes great physical discomfort and can manifest itself at any time of the day or night. An intrusive thought about the infinite can lead to a severe anxiety attack.

Thus, the idea of ​​being in contact with the infinite gives a powerful dizzying feeling.  People with this phobia avoid situations or factors that can stimulate the perception of the infinite. For example, the sky, the ocean, or infinite numerical sequences. In addition, they also avoid introspection and never imagine eternity.

People suffering from apeirophobia often try to live their lives as predictably as possible. They do this to keep their obsessive thoughts about infinity or the universe in check.

Apeirophobia can have many negative consequences for the person suffering from it.


As all phobias have, apeirophobia does not have a unique cause. Some experts have linked genetic, environmental, social and natural factors to it. For example, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was interested in phobias. He believed that they had two phases:

  • First phase : An event occurs that generates great anxiety. At the same time, the person who develops the phobia takes an object from the outside world (such as spiders, horses, cars or infinity), and sees it as dangerous or a threat.
  • Second phase : The person begins to defend himself in all possible ways to prevent contact with this danger or threat.

From a biological point of view, another possible explanation for phobias combines factors such as genetics and brain chemistry. If these factors are combined with life experiences, the person may develop a specific phobia such as apeirophobia.

How to identify a phobic reaction?

A phobic reaction begins when a person is exposed to the object or situation they have associated with danger. In fact, this reaction can lead to panic attacks. The most relevant characteristics of a phobic reaction are:

  • At a physiological level : Abnormally fast heart rate, sweating, redness, paleness, upset stomach, dry mouth and difficulty breathing, among others.
  • At the motor level : Trembling voice, facial grimaces, strange movement of extremities, stiffness and immediate evasive behavior, among others.
  • On a cognitive level : Negative interpretation of the situation, doubts about one’s own ability to cope with the situation, and fear of dying among others.

Characteristics of apeirophobia

The main characteristics of apeirophobia are:

  • An irrational and disproportionate fear of understanding the concept of infinity and eternity.
  • A realization that the concept of infinity, the universe and eternity is beyond their concept and understanding. This causes some anxiety which makes it difficult to concentrate and perform their daily activities.
  • A great need to keep everything under control and in perfect order. This arises as an attempt to avoid confronting the concept of eternity, infinity and the infinity of the universe.
  • Those who suffer from it recognize it as an irrational fear, but cannot control it.
  • There is a strong urge to lead one’s life as predictably as possible.
  • They tend to have frequent nightmares about falling indefinitely.
  • Invasive and negative thoughts about the infinite appear during moments of introspection, relaxation or imagination. Therefore, they avoid these situations.
People with apeirophobia avoid thinking about the universe and the infinite.

How do you know if you are suffering from the fear of infinity?

  • You cannot explain or rationalize the fear of infinity.
  • It is beyond your voluntary control.
  • Your response to this fear is to avoid any situation that may be related to infinity.
  • This fear of infinity lasts a long time.
  • Your fear of the concept of infinity keeps you from adapting to your environment.

Treatment for this phobia for infinity

Like all phobic disorders, a specialist, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, must diagnose and treat apeirophobia. They are the only ones who are qualified to determine the necessary treatment for each case.

Phobias are usually treated with psychotherapy. Only in the most extreme cases, when patients are unable to function properly, will psychologists also treat them with medication along with psychotherapy. A psychiatrist must evaluate the patient before he can prescribe medication.

Apeirophobia can cause great discomfort. For this reason, it is important to go to a specialist if it starts to keep you from living a good life. Evasive and obsessive behaviors consume a lot of energy and can become exhausting and barely manageable.

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