Attention Control As A Key To Reconnect Now

Attention control as a key to reconnecting with the present

We are not used to connecting to the present. In most cases, your body is there, but not your mind. We have become accustomed to distraction, multitasking and the development of partial attention. The result is disconnection from your inner self. The exercise of attention control can help you solve this problem.

Attention control is a mental state that helps us focus all our attention on what we do or want. It also works as a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

Stephan Bodian was educated for a decade as a Zen Buddhist monk and licensed as a psychotherapist. According to him, the key to mental peace lies not in the circumstances, but in how you respond to them. So when we concentrate all kinds of energy, including mental energy, we provide unlimited powers.

man with good attention control

The importance of mindfulness training

If you want to succeed in one area of ​​life, you should cultivate your attention span on a single goal. Determined and focused people tend to work harder and accomplish more tasks faster. They tend to have jobs that pay better and deeper networks of friends.

All work must be done with concentration. According to Ian Fleming, if you fail at important things, it is because you have no interest in them or concentration. Abilities are displayed and the tools are made available when they do so.

Attention control is also important for well-being. It can prevent us from ending up with fear and anxiety. Thoughts come and go like the clouds in a stormy sky. Knowing how to focus can be our anchor. Where the water is deepest is also where it is calmest.

In fact, it was only from a state of inner peace that one could discover and create peaceful surroundings. The more calm you feel, the more success and influence you will be able to have. Mental peace is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

woman trying to have good attention control

Attention training helps you connect to the present

Exercising your attention helps you focus all your energy. When attention is spread throughout the mind and body, you will be able to leave your fears and worries. In this way, your productivity is improved. This is because you can connect to the now – here and now – and you feel better.

Creativity also improves when you concentrate. When your mind is cleared of external noise, it is easier to think about what you want to create and be inspired.

In addition, thanks to this ability, you can also save some time. It is not the same to do something while thinking about a thousand things at the same time and to be completely focused. In the first case, you lose more time. Secondly, you use it better.

As you can see, what mindfulness training gives us is a way to connect to the present. Besides, it definitely invites us to experience a more complete life. Its practice helps you to avoid losing yourself in what is happening around you. However, it is also important to realize that it is not the solution to all problems. It will not change your life from one day to the next.

The exercise of mindfulness training is a process and an agreement with life and with yourself. The goal is not to change what you live and feel. The goal is to change the way you relate to these things. That’s the secret.

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