Cat Therapy: 5 Benefits Of Living With Cats

Cat therapy: 5 benefits of living with cats

Have you heard of cat therapy? Cats are wonderful animals. They love to be independent, but also like to be pampered. Some people seem to hate the world, while others are so loving that it is overwhelming.

Their ambivalent and confusing behavior is truly similar to that of a human being. Perhaps because of this, techniques such as cat therapy are becoming increasingly popular in the field of emotional health.

For years, horse therapy has had amazing results in children with autism, self-esteem problems or cerebral palsy. Although there is no scientific evidence, it has been found that it can  improve the patient’s motor and emotional skills  as a complementary therapy .

In the same way, cat therapy has shown that the company of a cat can provide physical and psychological improvements. Having a cat is much more beneficial than most people think.

What is cat therapy?

Cat therapy is a treatment for anxiety, stress and depression. It improves the quality of life and creates a very special connection between cat and owner. In addition, according to several studies, improvements in people with heart problems occur gradually after living with a cat.

Interestingly, the same study with dogs had very different results. Dog owners, unlike cat owners, did not show the same improvement.

It seems to suggest that those who own cats are less likely to die of a heart attack than those who do not.

Older lady with cat

Cats are usually recommended for people living alone, especially the elderly. Even people with dementia or Alzheimer’s sometimes remember different memories when they have fun with them.

This is good news: this can delay neurodegeneration through their disease. The painting of a cat stimulates certain basic nerve endings, which can help them remember stories from the past.

A short story about cats

For hundreds of years, cats were treated as evil creatures. It was believed that they were the witches’ faithful companions, who brought bad luck and were the devil’s messengers. Their indomitable and unpredictable nature frightened both villagers and those in power.

On the other hand, in some civilizations they were saints. In Egypt, they were honored to protect their most important god: Ra. Legend has it that he was born and died at every sunrise and sunset.

As a result, he became an easy prey for his enemies at night. The cats’ eyes, which can be associated with the lion, reflected the sun’s rays to protect him during this period.

Putting legends aside, it was quite remarkable that cats began to be accepted as pets. Unlike dogs, which were used as guardians by sheep and farmers, the cats initially remained wild.

According to recent studies, it is believed that they themselves decided to approach people in the hope of getting food. Their gentle nature made them get food from farm owners and farmers, who finally accepted them because of how good they were at hunting rodents.

It was not until several centuries later that cats were accepted as companionship for humans. Until the nineteenth century, owning a pet was considered unusual and indecent. People in those days considered it a waste of money to take care of them.

5 benefits of cat therapy

They help relieve depression and stress

Cats trigger remarkable improvement in people with stress disorders, anxiety and depression. The paint is very relaxing, stimulates concentration and creates a very inviting atmosphere.

cat therapy

They provide company

For a person living alone, a cat is the best option. They can be very independent whenever they want, but also very loving. Sometimes, however, they will be so annoying that you simply want them to leave you alone!

They are very fun and playful and they will always keep you entertained. Remember how important it is to feed them properly, keep all vaccinations up to date, and keep your nails short (unless you want to ruin all your furniture!)

They help with Alzheimer’s, autism and ADHD

As mentioned earlier, therapists use cats as complementary therapy in cases of autism, Alzheimer’s or ADHD. Although there is no scientific research to support it, they have improved the owner’s life in thousands of cases.

It gives children responsibility

Having a cat at home is a big responsibility for children. Taking care of it, feeding it and training it is not always an easy task. It is important to talk to your children so that they are aware of the importance of the tasks.

Do not forget to make it clear that an animal is not a toy. They must not hit them, throw them to the ground or pull them by the tail. As living beings, they must be respected and loved. Pets will be so much happier if children treat them well.

They need almost no care

Unlike other animals, apart from vaccines and food, cats hardly need any care. They are quite pure animals. As soon as they learn to use the cat box, they will always use it.

They clean both themselves and their children, and they do not require constant attention. You only need to give them a bath once in a while, make sure they get the right food, and do not forget to take them regularly for a check-up at the vet. Remember that a healthy cat means a healthy person.

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