Cooking Is Useful As A Therapeutic Tool

By cooking you can practice several different skills. This can be a very rewarding hobby.
Cooking is useful as a therapeutic tool

Cooking is one of those activities that combines art, technique and knowledge. It is a field where culture and emotions are put into play in a single task. Basically, we eat the landscape that surrounds us. We prepare it based on acquired tradition and knowledge, and we do it depending on the relationship with others.

There are several different ways to look at cooking. One of them is the most practical. You make whatever is available, no matter how you cook it, to meet your nutritional needs. Another way to look at it is commercial, since cooking is a business, too.

However, the most effective, creative and social way of looking at cooking is oriented towards finding joy in it and getting others to enjoy the results. When the food is prepared without haste and for the purpose of conveying love and a moment especially for those we love, it also ceases to be a professional task, and it becomes a personal expression. It will also be a therapeutic tool.

Sensory awareness, the first contribution of cooking

Cooking is one of those activities that involves all the senses. These remain active throughout the process, until the end. Sight, hearing, touch, and of course, smell and taste should all be set in motion during this work. When we eat, the same thing happens.

In this way , cooking becomes a true rainbow of emotions. Therefore, it means a holistic experience. It is one of the few activities today that gives this parade of sensory impressions, which is always very rewarding.

Cooking is therapeutic

Cooking is a creative experience

One of the most interesting aspects of cooking is that it is an activity where the result is never the same. The same person can make a dish twice, and it will not be exactly the same. Two people can recreate the same recipe and the taste will be different. To that extent, it is a very personal activity, and therefore a creative one.

In the same way, it is one of those tasks that enables infinite variations. It welcomes change in each of the steps. Sometimes in the way we prepare certain foods, and other times in the way we present them. Also, in the ingredients used, how long we cook them, and the accompaniments that are added. Cooking is pure creativity.

Patience and concentration

Cooking is one of the activities that involve successive steps. More than in other activities, you need to complete one step before moving on to the next. It requires patience. The cooking time does not depend on you.

lower dough

In the same way, you do many tasks while cooking, sometimes at the same time. For example, while setting the dough aside so that it can rest, start working with the filling. Or while something is boiling, get everything ready for the next step. This requires you to focus your attention on what you are doing and only on that. This increases the concentration.

Problem solving and decision making

Cooking is unpredictable. You cook something and the chicken gets burned because you were distracted. Or you realize that the food does not have the texture and consistency you wanted. All of these small problems require a solution. And the exercise to solve these difficulties involves a stimulus for your intelligence.

The thing is, you have to make a lot of decisions while preparing a dish. The recipe may say that you should bake something for 10 minutes, but you realize that there is not enough time. It requires you to analyze the situation and think about what to do. Cooking increases your decision-making capacity.

Relaxing and entertaining

When you have a positive attitude, cooking becomes a relaxing activity. The most important thing is not to cook nervously or to expect to get perfect results. Ideally, you can cook everything calmly and have an open mind.

A woman cooks

Cooking with your partner or with friends can be a very fun and friendly experience. In the same way, serving a dish that was prepared with your own hands shows love. With a good attitude, this activity can be incredibly fun and rewarding.

We do not have to be experts to get into it. Having a good attitude and a basic plan is more than enough. It is an activity you can do at home and it is available to everyone. In addition, its psychological and social benefits are undeniable. You should definitely try to make something today!

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