Defining Traits Of Personality Type B

Did you know that there are many different types of personalities? Learn about personality type B and how people with this personality type are in this article.
Defining characteristics of personality type B

Personality is a set of traits that set you apart from other people. These characteristics can also predict behaviors and attitudes. In this article, we will focus on the classification developed by Rosenman and Friedman to explain personality type B.

There are many theories that explain personality, but almost all focus on defining different personality types. However, this does not mean that you belong to a specific category. Thus, it is normal for people to have characteristics of different personality types.

Personality type B

Personality type B is considered the healthiest and most common. People with this personality type are flexible and docile. They are calm, relaxed, empathetic, confident, open to social relationships and tend to emotional well-being. In general, they are aware of their limitations and are not hostile.


Type B people are relaxed and calm. They do not get easily confused or annoyed because they have self-control. Their communication style is confident. When they express themselves, they do so in a respectful and non-aggressive manner.

Relaxed woman.


You rarely see a type B person in a hurry. They enjoy what they do and take their time. Their lives are quiet. If they come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position. They feel most comfortable when they can concentrate on just one idea or activity. Type B people often stop and analyze their performance.

They tend to go to bed late and like to exercise and play sports. Because they are good at organizing their time, their days seem to last much longer than other people’s.

People with personality type B are empathetic

People with type B personality know how to listen and put themselves in other people’s shoes. In other words, they practice active listening and empathy. In addition, they look forward to helping other people and working to make social changes.


Type B people feel happy with themselves. They do not have to compete with or feel better than other people. People with this personality type accept life as it is and let things follow their natural course. They are not interested in changing others as much as they are in their own personal well-being.

At work, they combine creativity and effort. Although they tend to work slower than others, they get recognition for the quality of what they do. Their slogan is quality over quantity.

People with personality type B are hot

Type B people are warm and friendly. They have an even temperament. People like them because they inspire a calm and relaxed environment. They also tend to be very loved, charismatic and kind.


People with this type of personality usually have very healthy self-esteem. They believe in themselves, value themselves, and also try to be on equal terms with other people.

Woman with crocheted heart.

Diseases associated with this personality type

People with this personality type tend to have low levels of stress and anxiety. Type B people see stress as an opportunity for growth and change. They tend to regain balance after a crisis. Not only that, but they are the best to adapt to any situation.

Interesting facts about personality type B

If you feel curious and want to learn about the other personality types  (such as A, C and D) and the diseases and risk factors associated with each, remember the following:

  • You can identify with a particular type, but that does not mean that you will definitely suffer from the associated diseases. It just means you are more exposed to them.
  • Knowing someone who suffers from the same disease as you does not mean that you have the same personality type.
  • This personality classification is not universal. In other words, it’s normal if you do not identify with any of them.

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