Do Not Give Up! You Have The Strength To Continue

Do not give up!  You have the strength to keep going

Where do I find the strength to continue when it feels like I have ended up at the bottom? How can I continue when it feels like I can not face what is coming? Am I stronger than I think?

These are some of the questions you ask yourself when going through a difficult time.

Humans have an incredible strength and capacity to survive. We can tolerate more pain than we think. Somehow we find motivation to continue even if our strength withers  and everything is darkened.

Sometimes we see that we build our own path, block by block, without knowing exactly how we got there. We do all this with an incredible amount of pain inside us. Our resilience is limitless.

But where do we find the strength to move on and to put ourselves back together?

It lives inside us, but sometimes it is hidden and difficult to find, other times it gives us only weak signals that it still exists. Despite that, the strength is there. Sometimes we need help knowing how to use it.

Our  survival instinct  is responsible for activating the strength within us along with all the other internal resources we have.

But for that to happen,  we need to listen to our emotions so we can figure out what they want, and then do something about it. 

Female and bird

You the strength to continue inside you

When you are overwhelmed by pain and it feels like there is nothing more you can do, keep fighting. Keep looking for answers. And if you do not find them, find a reason to continue.

Because this is life – get up, move forward, struggle, learn from every mistake, listen to and feel your feelings.

You may not find the willpower today, but who knows what will happen tomorrow? Every day is a new story that needs to be written. Even if you are not sure how to end it, you can decide how you want it to start. 

Go on, you can do it! Take a deep breath, fill your lungs, jump and fly. If you have to go back a little, leave it alone to recharge, fix your wings and gather strength from everything you have learned. And when you’re ready, you jump.

Do not stop fighting because you have all the strength and all the resources you need to move forward. You just have to find them inside you. 

Do not forget to give yourself a few days to be  alone. Give yourself some time to feel sadness and fear. You need to experience these negative emotions so that you can later stand up again and live up to your potential.

Woman with butterflies in her

You are not alone

Do not worry if you still feel weak after the pain has subsided. You are not alone. Find someone you can relax with and who you can be yourself with. Someone who can be your refuge.

They will help you get up again and find the strength to keep going. It takes courage to know when you should ask for help and when you should accept it. Let people help you when you need it, forget your fears and lean on someone else’s shoulders. Take your hand and leave the burden that weighs you down behind you.

You can make it happen. If you dream it, believe in it and act accordingly, you are one step closer to reaching it.


So keep going – find the strength to keep going, fight and push yourself! Get up, brush off the dust and move on, because it  ‘s  worth it. Do not forget that life goes on without equal, time passes and you tell your own story. 

Inside id eg you have the strength to continue, do not give up!

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