Do You Know How Good Lego Is For You?

Do you know how good lego is for you? As crazy as it may seem, the psychological benefits of lego are far more interesting and diverse than we might think. In fact, this simple construction game can even begin to externalize our emotions and beliefs.

At least that’s what María Teresa Mata thinks. She is a well-known psychiatrist who believes that this free construction process has very positive effects. First and foremost, it has the ability to develop emotional intelligence. It is also ideal for business counseling and psychotherapy. Want to see how?

Psychological benefits of lego

LEGO is a trademark, it’s true. But these construction toys are very common in toy stores. So they are a very accessible tool for companies and psychologists, who have discovered amazing benefits.

Lego as a work tool

An important point about Lego’s psychological benefits is its use as a tool in the world of business guidance. When it comes to idea representation, free construction has proven to be effective. Why? It generates a lot of information.

They have even patented the lego serious play method, which has already had fantastic results. This is because these chips provide great benefits for conflict resolution due to the large amount of information they generate.

lego in all colors

They are also used in coaching and emotional intelligence training. This is partly because it is an externalization technique. This means that they promote creativity and give freedom of imagination and expression. They also improve our ability to come up with goals. They promote empathy too!

Building lego is connectivity on another level

According to Mata, construction with lego establishes connections on new levels. We put together the pieces, our creativity, imagination and hands. These things initiate certain mental processes that give the observer (the psychologist, for example) insight.

So then construction can take us to new levels of communication. And in fact, it is communication with ourselves, but also with others. Why? Because when we change the technique to a work team, family, etc., much more information comes to light.

Construction toys allow each individual to offer a small window into how they see the world. Thus, different ways of seeing the world become visible, which promotes more dialogue and empathy.

New messages appear

According to Mata , the messages we receive when we use this technique are new. We reach them through associations of ideas and creativity. This means that the messages are really clear, even wise, something we really see with other methods.

Among the psychological benefits of LEGO, we find a large amount of information that would otherwise go unnoticed. And thanks to these messages, we can find new solutions because they promote emotional intelligence training.

Knocks down unconscious barriers

We find another advantage of construction toys in that they break down unconscious barriers. The shields that come up almost unintentionally in any social interaction. They disappear and slowly fall down when we “play” with lego. We learn about ourselves and others.

It also increases problem-solving abilities. Sometimes we feel unable to solve problems so that we do not find the necessary information within ourselves.

According to Mata, lego helps us find that information, then view, organize and validate it. The list of benefits continues to grow…

Abstract expression

When it comes to emotional intelligence, building is an excellent arena for expressing abstract things and synthesizing complex information. It simplifies the processes. At the same time, we get fantastic information on how we can improve our efficiency.

a crowd of lego people

Let’s learn emotional intelligence with lego. We connect to the inner knowledge that has been there, asleep, all our lives. And when we provide a creative environment, the user will construct, observe, project and distance themselves from their creation. This will give them the information they need to resolve conflicts, for example.

Did you know that lego is so good for you? It’s clear now, if we use it wisely, this game can be a real step forward in getting to know ourselves a little better.

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