Five Movies About Optimism You Should Bring With You

Here are five movies about optimism. These movies are full of encouraging messages. They can teach you how to reverse certain unfavorable circumstances in your life.
Five movies about optimism you should bring with you

In addition to being an art form, film has always been a means of disseminating information. Furthermore, it tends to be a reflection of the social values ​​of the moment in question. In fact, it is basically an educational medium through which many things can be transferred, including stories, views and values. In this article we will tell you about five movies about optimism. These films simply radiate optimism, either because of the stories or the characters.

First, let’s look at what optimism really means. Is it just the feeling of being able to win a match? Is there a way to live or look at life? Is it a focus on the positive? How can a movie tell you something about optimism? Let’s find out!

Optimism: What does psychology say?

Before we list the five films about optimism, let’s talk a little about the concept itself. Have you ever wondered what optimism is? Carver and Scheier (2001) talked about dispositional optimism, which refers to widespread positive expectations of outcomes. In other words, the belief that the future has more successes than defeat.

On the other hand, according to Gillham, Shatté, Reivich and Seligman (2001), optimism includes expectations of control over the results of your actions, expectations of the possibility of achieving positive results in the future, along with a certain component of personal effectiveness.

The following five films convey a message of optimism, either directly or indirectly. In all five films, the concept of optimism is central.

Five films about optimism

These five films are as different as the different characters in them. In fact, they all have different themes and are from different genres. However, they all have one thing in common: They portray optimism as a way of life. Film Affinity, a reference portal for moviegoers and filmmakers, has awarded each film a score. These points are also listed in this article.

Movies about optimism: 100 Metros (2016)

100 Metros  is a Spanish film starring Dani Rovira. He plays Ramón, a thirty-year-old father who only lives for his job. At least that is the case until his body begins to fail. He is then diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and begins to struggle. Furthermore, the forecast is that he will not be able to walk 100 meters in a year.

But thanks to his grumpy father-in-law, Ramón embarks on a journey to improve himself with self-development and optimism, and plans to run a marathon. His partner and son are also with him along the way. Will Ramón manage it? To find out, make sure you do not miss this movie. It is full of optimism and life, but touches at the same time.

  • Movie Affinity – Score: 6.6

Quo Vado (2016)

This is another movie about optimism that you should not miss. It describes the experiences of an official in an administrative department in a province who is responsible for the comfortable but routine task of issuing hunting and fishing licenses. He lives a quiet and comfortable life in his parents’ house and has a romantic relationship that really does not go anywhere.

The protagonist’s world collapses when he loses his job. Then he embarks on an adventure in various remote regions of Italy, and finally he moves to Norway and ends up at a scientific station at the North Pole. How does this change his life? Another entertaining must-see movie.

  • Movie Affinity – Score: 5.6

Movies about optimism: Grease (1978)

And why not? This is a real classic! This American film starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John is another on the optimist list. It takes place in the summer of 1959, and the main characters are Sandy and Danny. The couple has spent the summer together, but now the holiday is over and they have gone their separate ways. That’s until they unexpectedly see each other again at Rydell High School. However, Danny’s attitude has changed. The film is full of romantic twists. It is fresh, fun and full of great music. Highly recommended.

  • Movie Affinity – Score: 7.4

Ride Like a Girl (2019)

An Australian film starring Teresa Palmer and Sam Neill. The film is based on a true story full of optimism and self-improvement. It tells the story of an athlete who became the first female rider to win the Melbourne Cup in 2015.

The main character Michelle is the youngest of ten siblings who from a young age have encountered many difficulties. Although she has had a difficult life, this does not stop her from achieving her dreams.

  • Movie Affinity – Score: 5.7

The Rain of Freedom (1994) (The Shawshank Redemption) 

This is a critically acclaimed American film. Featuring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, this film can certainly not be left out of the list.

It tells the story of Andrew Dufresne, who is accused of murdering his wife and sentenced to life in prison. In Shawshank State Prison, he manages to gain the director’s trust and respect for his comrades, especially Red, the chief smuggler. This film has large doses of optimism, but is also equally intense and powerful.

  • Movie Affinity – Score: 8.6

Five movies about optimism you should watch

If you need a little encouragement, or are already in a good mood and just want to see a movie that suits your mood, try one of these five movies. You will certainly not regret it. If you do not want to see any of them, you can watch all the other movies in all genres and themes you can think of, and just waiting to be watched.

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