Five Sayings By Miguel De Unamuno

Miguel de Unamuno’s work is marked by several of the concerns we see expressed in much of his writing. In this article, we will focus on five of his most interesting sayings.
Five sayings by Miguel de Unamuno

Miguel de Unamuno was a Spanish writer and philosopher who belonged to the so-called Generation of ’98 . In his work we can see how he embraced all the literary genres that exist: novels, essays, poetry and theater. The most characteristic aspect of this author, however, was a predominant theme that was visible throughout his work: existentialism.

Because of this, we have collected some of Miguel de Unamuno’s sayings that specifically reflect many of the philosophical concerns we see in his work.

Before we take a closer look at them, however, it is worth mentioning that the existentialism that was present in Unamuno’s life was a result of the experiences that Generation of ’98 went through. The political, social, economic and moral crisis of that time was their source of inspiration. As a result, the anguish of these times is reflected in the work of these writers. Without further ado, we will now look at some of Miguel de Unamuno’s most interesting quotes.

An open book

Quotes by Miguel de Unamuno

1. Love makes us believe

References to God are prominent in Unamuno’s work. The article ” DESIRE OF GOD IN MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO’S WORK ” states that Unamuno searched for “A personal God who would guarantee immortality and endurance […] and give meaning to his existence”.

With this saying, however, Unamuno brings us closer to a paradox in which he found himself. First of all, we have the hope that is so necessary and so human. Yet, secondly, we have the anguish that this hope causes, as well as what he calls a “daydream” or a “dream.”

This contradiction is also reflected in the research that has been done about this author. Scholars still do not agree whether he was an atheist, agnostic or religious.

2. Miguel de Unamuno on the benefits of reading

The second saying of Miguel de Unamuno refers to a pastime that is being practiced less and less these days: reading. Despite how important it is, as the article ” The Importance and Impact of Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking in Higher Education ” shows, Unamuno already knew in its day how vulnerable people who did not read were.

If someone does not read reasonably often, they are more likely to stop being critical enough to avoid believing in everything they come across. Much of what is written tries to persuade or convince us. Reading is a way to avoid being manipulated through words.

3. Science teaches us to ask questions

This third quote is closely related to the previous one. In the same way that a lack of reading can make everything we come across seem to be true, science teaches us something essential: the art of asking questions and doubting.

When we question things or are in doubt, this helps us find the right answers and gives us more knowledge. This is very important in the world of science. If we feel ignorant, this will inspire us to continue learning and discovering new things. In fact, the saying of a famous philosopher, Socrates, may come to mind: “All I know is that I know nothing.”

4. The only benefit of not being happy

Of all the different reflections Unamuno had in mind, the idea of ​​being happy was very prominent. This is a quest that we can all identify with. However, it seems to be an unattainable goal, as we never seem to be able to achieve total happiness.

This saying of Miguel de Unamuno refers to the only advantage of not being happy, which is desired, or perhaps a hope (as we saw in the first saying), that it will not remain so. However, it is a longing that never seems to materialize.

Butterfly on hand

5. Not feeling loved is sad

Today’s last saying of Miguel de Unamuno allows us to reflect on love. Many people try to feel loved when they do not love themselves. Cultivating our self-esteem can help us to feel loved, and by doing so, we can achieve the happiness we long for.

Religion, love, happiness and doubt are topics that this author addresses in most of his work. They are quotes that invite us to reflect. Far from seeming strange to us, they can actually transport us towards the introspection that Unamuno often used to immerse himself in.

Miguel de Unamuno is undoubtedly a figure we can refer to. In his thinking we find a reflection of the times he lived in, and we have seen this in the sayings we shared today. As we have seen, these quotes transcend the temporal omnipresence of his life and are projected into history, even today’s history, where they make a clear sound.

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