Five Tips For Improving Communication In A Relationship

How do you communicate with your partner? Do you tend to expect them to know how you feel, or do you express yourself directly?
Five tips to improve communication in a relationship

Communicating with others is important in order to resolve conflicts or make our opinions known. But as many of us know, the truth is that we do not always do it effectively. Communication is very important in relationships. In this article, we share some strategies that can help eradicate some harmful behaviors and improve communication in a relationship.

Your relationship may suffer if you do not have good communication. For example, all mistrust, lies and unresolved anger can lead to bigger problems. Leaving the solution to these problems in the hands of time will only lead to remorse and unhealed wounds.

1. “Let’s talk about it later” can help improve communication

You should avoid talking or discussing anything when your emotions are very intense. When you are angry or annoyed, you can hurt the person you love the most with what you say.

Write down how you feel about improving communication in a relationship.

A practical exercise is to take a notebook or diary and write down how we feel. This will help us put our feelings into perspective. Thus, we will be able to handle our emotions better and know what we want to convey when we finally talk to our partner.

However, you must respect “later” in “Let’s talk about it later”. It is not worth taking this advice as an excuse to never tell your partner how you feel.

2. The past is not a weapon

Using certain past situations against our partner is always tempting. However, we should never do this. Instead of turning your past into a weapon, be sure to talk about a past situation that has hurt you with your partner so you can get an end.

To improve communication in a relationship, you can do the following exercise to realize how to talk to your partner. After an argument, write down everything you have said to the other person. For example, “You are so selfish”, “You did this to me in the past”, or “Do you remember when…?” In this way , you discover all the previous situations you unknowingly use as a weapon.

3. Listen to understand to improve communication

Another easy way to improve communication in a relationship is to open our ears. How many times have we witnessed a quarrel where two people are talking at the same time without listening to what the other is saying?

If we did not listen to the other person, we could not understand their point of view. This does not mean we should take their side. But just by listening, we will be able to negotiate and reach an agreement. Otherwise there will be no understanding, and the problem will only get worse.

4. “I do not walk around the porridge”

We should write this sentence down somewhere to keep it in mind and not forget what it means. Many times we do not explain ourselves clearly when we speak. We can use irony or sarcasm or protect our partner by saying things like “You should already know what’s wrong”. However, we must remember that our partner cannot read our minds.

Being direct with your partner helps you avoid and resolve conflicts. If you do not like something, look for the best way to express it.

Try to analyze how you feel when you are quiet or not directly with your partner. Maybe you’m ashamed. Or maybe you think your partner should know how you feel. By analyzing your behavior and emotions, you will be able to improve communication in your relationship.

5. Think “we are a team” to improve communication in a relationship

The last tip we suggest is to think as a team. When there are conflicts, we sometimes tend to blame the other person. However, we should avoid doing this so that we can stop seeing our partner as a rival and instead as a teammate. In this way we can face problems in a much healthier way.

A couple talking.

How do you communicate with your partner? Do you tend to expect them to know how you feel, or do you express yourself directly? We tend to make many communication mistakes with our partner, mainly because of ignorance or because we are just copying what our parents did. However, these tips can help us improve communication in our relationship.

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