Four Effective Emotional Control Techniques

Being responsible for yourself is not always easy. Using a variety of emotional control techniques is not easy. Keep reading to learn how to practice them!
Four effective emotional control techniques

Some effective emotional control techniques can really change your life. Making better decisions, improving relationships with others, having more resources to face daily adversity, understanding why you feel the way you do… In fact, this crucial aspect, which many often neglect, can be good for you in many areas of your life.

Daniel Goleman was absolutely right he said that it does not matter how intelligent a person is if they are not aware of their emotional universe. This is because anyone who can not control anger, lacks empathy and those who can not express themselves properly and assertively, rarely get far. Yet there are many people who move through society and lack it.

Nevertheless, you must understand that it is always a good time to change. Most people have enough resources, potential and abilities to awaken this ability. Being a captain of your emotions will not guarantee your success or your absolute, permanent happiness. What it will give you is a better quality of life, control over yourself and a much greater understanding of the people around you.

A brain with a heart.

The most effective emotional control techniques

A common mistake people make in the emotional realm is to suppress them instead of regulating them. This is basically due to poor education in this area of ​​life. People get used to phrases like “You are weak if you cry”, “Get over your mind” or “Worry is stupid, be happy” and consequently neglect their emotional needs.

Almost without realizing it, people have been indoctrinated with the idea that you have to hide what hurts. Sadness, anger, disappointment, frustration. You need to swallow these feelings. However, what you hide will stagnate and pollute, leading to anxiety, depression and hidden suffering that affects a large part of the population.

Understanding, mastering and using effective emotional control techniques will be of great help to you. Keep reading!

1. Emotional control techniques: Stop thoughts

The thought-stopping technique aims to control the cycle of negative pondering and thinking, and was introduced by psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe in the 1950s. The goal was to offer patients a strategy for dealing with obsessive and phobic thoughts.

This resource has a simple cognitive line and allows you to achieve adequate self-control of the tiring flow of thoughts that increases discomfort, stress and anxiety.

How to use this technique

  • Take a deep breath and relax when you become aware of the presence of negative and obsessive thoughts. Then visualize making a stop sign to stop such thoughts.
  • To do that, capture ideas that you come to mind and do not suppress them. Understand the feelings behind the tank and let go of it as if it were a leaf blown away by the wind.
  • Finally, replace it with a positive thought. You can use any expression that confirms your self-esteem.

2. Emotional control techniques: Volume control

Another effective technique for emotional control is volume control. To understand this, think, for example, of the last time you became angry or experienced anguish due to a bad experience. Many experiences and loud thoughts that make you angry and emotions that get tangled up in each other mix when these things continue in your mind.

Your inner world is quite loud and can prevent you from hearing what you need to hear.

How to use this technique

You need to stop as you go through a time where you get caught up in your emotions and feel tense. Thus , you need to take a few hours to rest and connect with yourself in a calm way.

  • Imagine that the mind is a poorly tuned radio. You hear so many channels at once, but can not understand the message.
  • The volume is too high and the sadness screams and is mixed with rage. You will reduce the intensity a bit, but do it carefully, as you will not turn off these voices. In fact, try to listen clearly to what they are actually telling you.
  • Now that you’ve reduced the volume, it’s time to identify each voice (each emotion) and understand it (“I’m sorry because…” “I’m angry because…”).

Logical emotional reasoning

Some say that there is a logic to emotions and emotional logic. What often happens, however, is that people allow themselves to be kidnapped by their emotional universe. Thus, they stop taking action and think and decide rationally.

Something like this leads to bad decisions and to arguing about everything and nothing. Besides, it leads to remorse.

How to use this technique

  • Analyze the thoughts that come to your mind, such as “You must not do this because you are going to fail and you are not even good at it.”
  • Then identify the feelings behind that thought. Is it fear? Insecurity? Frustration? Suffering?
  • Finally, you need to rationalize. “What is the truth of this statement? Why am I a failure? Have I never succeeded in anything? What is the use of telling myself that I am not good at what I hope to achieve? After all, I will never know unless I try. ”
A woman who breathes deeply.

4. Emotional control techniques: The mirror

One of the most interesting effective emotional control techniques is the use of a mirror. It is interesting to resort to it in times when everything seems to be going badly. Even in those moments when your self-esteem is low and you think you are losing control of reality.

This exercise will help you reset yourself, become aware of your own feelings and give yourself encouragement when you see your face and truly connect to your outer and inner being.

How to use this technique

The first thing you need to do is take an hour of rest away from distractions. Therefore, go to a quiet and intimate place. Your bedroom is a good choice. For this exercise, you need a mirror that is wide enough to see yourself reflected comfortably.

Sit in front of it and focus on your eyes. Ask your reflection: “How are you?”

It is very common for emotions to arise when you ask yourself this question. Therefore, cry if you feel like crying and let out some steam. Take as long as you need.

When you are done, look at yourself again and do it with affection. Get in touch with yourself through compassion, care and approval. Tell yourself that everything will be fine. That you want to make new decisions, take care of new life perspectives and follow up on any changes you need to feel better.

In conclusion, while it is true that there are other effective emotional control techniques, you can always start with the ones we shared here, because they are simpler. In fact, it is quite cathartic to make them, and their effective use can lead to general well-being.

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