How To Deal With Atypical Depression?

Atypical depression is difficult to diagnose. Many people who suffer from atypical depression do not know they have it because they sometimes feel positive. However, it does not take long before the dark clouds roll in again and the anxiety, the bad mood and the lack of motivation return.
How to deal with atypical depression?

Despite the name, atypical depression is actually quite common. It is similar to clinical depression, but patients suffering from this particular disorder have unusual symptoms. For example, they may be positive about their surroundings and have a good appetite, but feel a heaviness in their arms and legs.

Psychologists first used the clinical term in the 1950s. They used it casually to begin with, to describe patients with depression who did not respond to common antidepressants. It took further analysis and research to find common factors between these patients and understand what they were dealing with.

The first thing they observed was that these patients expressed pain in their arms and legs. They reported that it was difficult to move because they felt heavy. Psychologists also noted that they showed atypical signs and symptoms of clinical depression, such as hypersomnia or hyperphagia (overeating).

They also observed that patients’ symptoms worsened during the day. In the morning, they could respond to compliments, enjoy the company of others, and respond positively to certain stimuli. In the afternoon, things changed. After collecting data and finding these common symptoms, researchers called this particular condition “atypical depression.”

From then on, it became much easier to make new medicines especially for this disorder. Mental health professionals believe that atypical depression accounts for almost 20% of all cases of depression. Therefore, it is important to develop a psychological and pharmacological approach that is adapted to this disorder. Let’s dive a little deeper.

Atypical depression.

Atypical depression: Characteristics and symptoms

A study by Jonathan RT Davidson at the University of California shows that the most common symptoms of atypical depression are biological or vegetative. Other studies yielded similar findings. Patients with atypical depression complain of physical ailments more than anything else. They are often exhausted and feel that their body is failing them.

This is one of the reasons why this condition is so difficult to diagnose. You may think that you are just overworked, tired, or that you are not eating well enough or getting enough exercise. However, the DSM-5 describes atypical depression as persistent. This means that if you do not get help, your mental health will suffer.

What are the most common characteristics of this psychological condition? Let’s take a look.

Your mood responds to positive stimulation

A hallmark of clinical depression (or dysthymia) is the inability to respond to positive situations or stimuli. People with clinical depression have severe problems experiencing any kind of joy or happiness. People with atypical depression experience positive moments when they see someone they love or hear praise or encouragement.

Anxiety, nervousness, restlessness and mistrust

Atypical depression also has a high comorbidity with other disorders, as is the case with anxiety or even bipolar disorder. As a result, the most common symptoms are nervousness, hypersensitivity, constantly feeling that something is going to go wrong, etc.

Similarly, patients with atypical depression find it difficult to maintain happy, stable relationships. They have a hard time trusting other people, they are very sensitive to criticism and have a fear of betrayal or of being abandoned.

Leaden paralysis

Leaden paralysis refers to the heavy feeling in the body that we mentioned at the beginning of this article. Patients with leaden paralysis feel intense fatigue or even pain in the arms and legs that impairs their mobility.

Atypical depression and hypersomnia

Sleeping too much is another sign of atypical depression. You sleep too much, take long naps, get up late in the morning and have difficulty getting things done at work. It does not matter how much sleep you get, you feel permanently tired. Resting does not give you renewed energy or make you feel stronger.

Sleeping woman.

Atypical depression gives great appetite

Anxiety and nervousness often lead to almost constant hyperphagia. This is when you are hungry all the time and compulsive eating.

What treatments are available for atypical depression?

According to Cristancho, O’Reardon and Thase (2012), atypical depression tends to be chronic and more common in women and adolescents. At the same time, it is the most common type of depression that healthcare professionals treat outside the hospital. If you have atypical depression and you do not receive treatment, the consequences can be quite serious. This is especially true if there is comorbidity with other disorders such as anxiety or bipolar disorder.

The best approach to treatment depends on the situation of each individual patient. For example, many women with atypical depression also need help to deal with eating disorders such as bulimia . However, patients with good psychological therapy and the right medication can see significant improvement.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy allows the patient to work through thought patterns and behaviors to improve daily social skills.
  • Similarly, treatment with a type of antidepressant called MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) has been shown to be very effective for patients with atypical depression.

Finally, it is important to mention one detail about atypical depression. This is a disorder that is much more common than you might think, and some people tend to get it in their 20s. Early detection and follow-up will give the patient better control over their lives with tools and strategies to become a happier and more confident individual.

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