How To Free Yourself From Toxic People

How to free yourself from toxic people

Toxic people are the people around you who dominate and control you, and give no attention to your needs and feelings. They are focused on themselves and do not seem to be interested in you at all. They seem to see other people as tools rather than integrated, autonomous beings.

Then you can ask yourself, “who can find themselves in it?” Well, unfortunately, there are people who find themselves in it, sometimes for several years or throughout life.

How to identify toxic people around you?

Toxic people blind people with  low self-esteem  , because when someone is not like you, it is difficult for you to put yourself in their shoes. In the face of the emotional situation, it is very difficult for you to know if a person is toxic, and it makes you ask yourself what you did wrong to make them angry.

This is an ideal situation for the toxic person. They are not worried about ruining the relationship or hurting your feelings; They inflate their egos with your confidence.

“What did I do wrong?” you will wonder. Well, according to the toxic people in your life, you’re not worth anything. Everything that goes wrong is your fault. You take over that vision so completely that you do not even realize that you are not listening to the self-evaluating voice in your head.

Emotional situations such as depression or anxiety sometimes arise because we have toxic people around us. This can be our partner, family, friends or colleagues.

How do I free myself from toxic people?

You do not have to ask for permission to waive them. You need to improve your self-esteem  and finally free yourself from these harmful people, no matter how painful it may be in the beginning. Stop watching your life go by and grab the reins to avoid falling into an endless spiral.

If your self-esteem is at rock bottom, it will take some time for you to heal, but you have already taken the first important step.

When you are aware that your self-esteem is starting to drop, there are some truths to stick to:

  • You can not rely on praise from others to value yourself.  If we all walked around and said how much we appreciate each other we would have lived in a wonderful world. But how often do people say such things? When was the last time you went somewhere and someone told you, “You look so good!” Or “You are a fascinating person” or “I love your smile, it lights up my day”?
  • When you spend a lot of time comparing yourself to others, you can easily build up a pretty awful image of yourself.  Everyone’s situation works better when you look at it from the outside, but everyone has their own problems.
  • You can trust your instincts. Doubt likes to hurt your self-esteem. Feeling that you can not trust your own decisions or perceptions can make you feel defective. This is when the judgment snowball starts rolling.

Give full attention

You may have heard of full attention : this is to observe your thoughts and feelings in the moment and accept them as they are, without judgment.

It is a way to practice giving full attention throughout the day. It is important to stand on the brakes when you start being your own judge. When you have anxious thoughts, imagine a big stop sign. Then you have to tell yourself: “You do not have to evaluate yourself now. This is not a test. It is not necessary to constantly set goals at the end of the day that you must meet. You just have to live ”.

Toxic people will hate this mantra, and it will make you love yourself even more. Toxic people do not appreciate you, therefore they do not want you to appreciate yourself either. They need you to ignore your needs and wants so that you can dedicate all your time to their needs and wants. They use threats to achieve this. You are a whole being, a valuable person who deserves love and respect.

Stop walking on eggshells, and have the courage to refrain from the poisonous people. Your true friends and loved ones appreciate you for who you are and will never make you feel unworthy or insignificant. The only thing that is useless is to expose yourself to toxic people. Be happy now! You do not have to wait any longer!

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