I May Do A Lot Of Crazy Things, But I’m Not Crazy

I might do a lot of crazy things, but I'm not crazy

Doing crazy things is a sign of freedom that has nothing to do with being crazy. It just gives you the opportunity to go a different path than most people consider normal. In these spontaneous, chaotic situations, you can fly higher than you could have done otherwise. Everyone, absolutely everyone, has done a very different crazy thing in life, because letting go and having a chance with adrenaline is necessary and natural.

For most people, “being crazy” is associated with a mental imbalance and a distorted view of reality. Lack of self-control , hallucinations or absurd and foolish actions.

But, “doing something crazy” in everyday life, has a completely different meaning. We need a little madness in our lives, otherwise we will never dare to cut the umbilical cord and be free to do things that are not necessarily completely logical.

The line between being a genius and doing crazy things

Not all geniuses are crazy, and not everyone who is crazy or who does crazy things is a genius. A genius is someone who has extra ordinary abilities, expertise in a particular field or in a subject. The ability to discover and express new ideas. In other words, they create something.

They are not necessarily sick, although when they are, they know how to use it to create wonderful things. Studies have shown that creative abilities exist in mentally ill people before the disease manifests itself.

Some people label others as crazy just because they have special abilities and genius tendencies. Sometimes we write off things we do not understand out of fear or superiority. But the line between being a genius and madness is bigger than anyone can see. 

Albert Einstein

Genius seems to be genetic, although little research has been done on the subject. At the same time, the environment also plays a big role. For example, if Mozart or Einstein had been isolated out in the jungle, they would not have become the geniuses they became. Nor would we have the image of them that we have today. Studies show that 75% of the brain’s structure depends on the environment.

Creativity is also associated with an emotional conflict. It seems that dissatisfaction is what causes geniuses to create,  and that it has a neurological explanation. Being a genius is not a mental illness. But when both exist together, the person knows how to use the madness to create something beautiful.

Normal and crazy

Madness is actually a lack of reasoning and good judgment. The problem is that until the end of the 19th century, madness was associated with rejection of established social norms. For that reason, people who do not follow certain social norms are still seen as crazy.

Most sections of society create models of behavior that span different stages of human development. If one sets aside cultural differences, most societies expect people to be born healthy and well, grow up without health problems, go to college or specialize in a field of high returns. Then they get married and start a new family in a new home. There is usually no room to do crazy things.

A thin tall man does crazy things

These are just norms. Most people may accept them as normal and think that any idea or attitude that crosses these boundaries is wrong or crazy.

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