If You Love Someone, Give Them A Book

Giving away books is an act of love. Therefore, if you love someone, give them a book. This is because this is a gesture to offer them a whole universe of emotions, stories, knowledge and also, freedom. Choosing the right title for that special person also drives this illusion.
If you love someone, give them a book

If you love someone, give them a book. And if you have a friend you appreciate from the bottom of your heart, so do you. Just select a book and send it to them.

Think about how a novel, an essay, a self-help guide, a cookbook or a collection of stories are each a universe of knowledge. Books can enrich a person’s life and make them feel freer.

Every April 23 is World Book Day. You may not know it, but this day is quite rich and diverse. Not only does it mobilize events, but it is also great for addressing your favorite authors and reflecting on their work. In addition, it is a reminder of the rather commendable work of booksellers.

A world without books would be a sad world. It would be like being lost in an empty palace and not having any doors to enter the universe for learning, adventure and discovery.

It is always good to value these industries. As always, it’s also a good idea to discover new writers and open yourself up to other genres to become aware of the infinite literary melting pot.

After all, as Jorge Luis Borges said, of all the instruments invented by humans, books are the most amazing because they are a wonderful extension of memory and imagination.

A set of lights over a book.

If you love someone, give them a book

There are bad books and unforgettable books. There are also books to hang out with for a little while and others that will change your life forever. Some help you discover new perspectives, others keep you glued to police mysteries, while others like you despite the chills of fear they give you.

Some people say that it is not something that the first thing they read in childhood and adolescence. There are moments where certain titles changed your life and also opened your mind to new passions, learning and hobbies.

For example, one can start by reading the works of Jules Verne and Arthur Conan Doyle and reach maturity while being omnivorous when it comes to genres, times and authors.

Maybe you fancy classics, like Chekhov, or go back to Thomas Manns Trolldomsfjellet or discover the latest from Joël Dicker or Ian McEwan. After all, what matters is the joy of immersing yourself in the sea of ​​letters and letting go.

A student tells CS Lewis in the movie Shadowlands that people read to not feel alone. It may or may not be true, but what book publishers above all want is for people to read, and the more they do, the better they will be.

Book lovers do not make bookstores their second home just for the pleasure of reading. The real value of books is that they offer an opportunity to think.

The art of choosing a book for someone special, a big task

If you like someone, give them a book. Because these items are more than just a book cover that you can hold a stack of sheets of paper with. There is knowledge required in them.

Each page contains dozens of thoughts and reflections. If it’s a novel, you can share a limited but often unforgettable time with the characters and their intertwined emotions.

Usually you do not choose a book at random when you are thinking of giving it to someone. In fact, many people have the irreparable habit of choosing books that have already fascinated them.

Thus, you want the person who is going to receive your gift to feel what you felt when you read it. You look forward to sharing experiences and traveling to the same places as the action described.

A woman reading a book.

If you like your better vault, your friend, colleague or your child give them a book!

There are books you can understand the world with and books that can teach and help you. There are those who entertain, and also those who change your life forever. If anyone is a book lover like you, give them a book. Give them the last one that captivated you and that you will never forget.

If you have a friend, family member or colleague who prefers to watch movies instead of reading the books they are based on, do not give up. Give them a book! However, you should choose it carefully. Study their taste and surprise them with a book that will fascinate them.

Similarly, if you have nephews, brothers or friends with children, do not hesitate to give a book to that boy or girl, no matter how old they are.
If you love someone, give them a book. You want to do them a favor, you want to give them a key to travel, discover, be free and fly high.

When you discover the joy of reading in childhood, there is no going back. It’s like a magic potion without antidote, but with palliative care: Frequent readings and the more the better.

As Thomas Carlyle said well, sooner or later you will find that books are friends who rarely disappoint. Remember them, surround yourself with them, and never stop handing them out as candy.

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