I’m Going To Fly High Even If You Cut My Wings

If you feel that the people around you are preventing you from changing, remember this one thing: you should just fly high.
I'm going to fly high even if you cut my wings

Sometimes people feel that they want to develop other talents or spend their time doing different activities. But when they say “I’m going to fly high” or “I need a change”, they may find that the people around them do not support them in this.

This can happen to couples, although there are many cases where this also happens in family environments. Each personal development and change process has its own difficulties. The one we are going to talk about in this article is one of the most common.

Life is not static. Things change, people evolve and they do not always go in the same direction or at the same pace. That is why it is so important to understand why those close to us may not always support these changes to create our own personal development. In fact, they can be a major obstacle that we must overcome.

Fly high

Why is this happening?

First, we must remember that any change or personal development process does not only affect those who go through them, unless they live alone or in isolation. In many cases, we are an important part of another person’s world. Thus, our actions and decisions can affect them as well.

When we decide to fly high, we can affect the lives of those around us. This may lead them to believe that they need to make adjustments in their own lives, adjustments that they may be reluctant to make.

Change is scary. But when change is needed, the desire to improve will grow and we will no longer be afraid to leave   our comfort zone. It is good to anticipate how those who oppose our decisions may feel. Thus, every improvement and personal development process creates a natural selection of the relationships we have with others.

These moments can help you realize what motivates others to be around you. However, it is important to be careful with interpretations since they still come from our own assumptions that we make from partial information.

The situations that can lead to these “I will fly high” moments are quite different, and so are the resistances we may encounter within ourselves. Examples could be that we go to the gym 5 minutes earlier than we are used to and thus irritate the person who has to open it, or that we make our partner uncomfortable because we are going on a course late at night and it is they who have to make dinner every day now.

The process of change

Change is a complex process where we face personal obstacles. There are several elements that come into the picture when someone decides to change an aspect of their life. Self-awareness is an important part of this since it allows us to analyze our strengths and weaknesses through moments of self-reflection.

In addition, the changes and the personal development processes can also occur during serious crises that make the person want to find a better purpose in life. When a person decides to fly high, they most likely know they are about to face their own limiting beliefs. Basically, this forces them to confront their fears. This also puts those around them in a situation of uncertainty because they do not know how much the changes will affect them personally.

Fly high

I will fly high despite our fears

In these cases , we can also project the fears of others into ourselves. For example, your partner may be worried when you are out late at night. Their fear involves you and your safety. Another example would be the insecurity parents feel when their children tell them they want to change careers. On the other hand, some people mistakenly believe that because they fail to change certain aspects of life, others cannot.

If you long for a change or if you believe that something in your life can be improved, focus on it. Those close to you either support your decision or not, which is one of the biggest obstacles. But if these people are meant to be in your new life, then so be it. If not, then they will not be part of the change.

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