I’m Nothing But Myself When I’m Alone

I am nothing but myself when I am alone

In one of his most famous sonnetsPara cuando me ves tengo compuesto (For When You See Me),  Miguel Hernández wrote one of his most famous lines: “I am nothing but myself when I am alone.” Such a simple, yet fascinating quote could not come from any other mind than that of an author who was eager to convey the beautiful but melancholy loneliness that intoxicated him.

Simple but melancholy things are able to revive even the most dull souls, those who have already grown tired of everything and everyone. In this quote I have found one of the deepest truths I have ever read. I think Miguel Hernández referred to feeling better and more like himself when he was in the company of his lover, and worse when he was alone.

Whatever he meant, one of the greatest joys of a writer is to give the reader the freedom to interpret the text in the way they like best. Although this quote is just a few words, it addresses a lofty topic: The intimate, incomparable, genuine joy that many people find in loneliness.

I’m alone, but I’m not lonely

People who like loneliness tend to be generous with the people in their lives. They know that being with someone does not have to involve any kind of commitment or demand. They tend to ask for fewer explanations, and they are also more wonderful when you are with them. They do not ask for things they know they cannot demand, and they also suggest that other people reflect in the same way on the demands they make on others.

There is no such thing as loneliness that is not chosen; Loneliness is only necessary when company is not allowed. There is nothing worse than feeling alone when you are surrounded by people. You force yourself to reveal things about yourself, and then all that is left is a residual feeling of uneasiness and discomfort.

Flowers grow out of shoes

I have always preferred to be alone over feeling alone when I am surrounded by people. They talk, and I nod, and everything is just very uncomfortable. I am convinced that we start every day with a battery that has a limited charge, and if we use it up on people who do not deserve it, we will not be able to get away when we really want or need it.

That’s why I say I’m alone in many ways, but I’m not lonely in any way. I’m surrounded by my own presence and my own company, and it does not feel bad to me.

I find it amazing when I meet a person among millions who shares the perspective that maybe my loneliness has sometimes distorted my vision. I love to surround myself with people who do not make me feel alone, because with them I am authentic, accompanied, enriched.

I’m just me when I’m alone

Sometimes I wake up in a bad or sad mood, just like all other people. We are often told that we should seek company before we experience anger or sadness  for ourselves. I have often followed this advice, but it turned out to be quite unsuitable for me.

I do not think anyone should feel guilty for being alone when they are sad. There are too many who let their sadness out on other people, who think that it is better to be with people and avoid the fear of loneliness.

It is important not to confuse enjoying loneliness fully with avoiding contact with others. We are not paranoid or deviant, we have only accepted what life has always repeated. We have received the message. We prefer a company that makes us feel even happier, but we do not have to be happy.

Many consider us to be weird, demanding or childish. But we continue to react innocently to the contradictions of the world, and we do not like to be the first to do everything we seem to have to do in this life. We do not go from behind, we go and observe, so when it’s my turn, I do well without being obliged. Without having to feel tied down or looked at.

I am nothing but myself when I am alone, because no one understands me as I do, and no one enjoys themselves when they are alone as I do. And when I’m alone, I do not feel like the worst version of myself, but sometimes when I’m alone, I understand my sorrows. When I find myself in loneliness with someone, I no longer take responsibility for them. It is the exquisite joy of being alone and choosing to be alone whenever I want.

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