Inquisitive People: Traits And Behavior

Inquisitive people: character traits and behaviors

Do you know people who think they are always right? Do you feel that they treat others with contempt or superiority? If the answer is yes, then it is a conceited person you are dealing with. Inquisitive people idolize themselves as much as they despise others.

Vanity is defined as excessive pride and an overestimation of one’s own merits and abilities. In the same way, conceited people assume that others value them highly, because they are simply superior to others. Their personality consists of excessive arrogance and conceit.

3 character traits of conceited people


“Do not throw dirt into the well that has given you water.” This quote from William Shakespeare perfectly sums up one of the most important psychological qualities that all conceited peoples have in common: arrogance .

Inquisitive people cannot keep a low profile because their arrogance exposes them. Maybe their arrogance and arrogance sometimes go under the radar. But as soon as they find themselves in a slightly more difficult situation, their uncontrollable arrogance shows its face. Note: the difference between arrogance and pride is that the latter is not related to a need to look down on other people.

A cursed man filled with pride


Inquisitive people love themselves too much and live in a fantasy world where they are the most successful, powerful and beautiful. This makes them pretentious and self-assured.

However, their greatness hides uncertainty and a lot of mistrust. This is why they are constantly aware of what people think about them and their image. Yet they will also look as if they do not care about any opinion other than their own.


Although closely related to narcissism, megalomania has a somewhat more pathological nuance. It was previously considered a mental disorder because it manifests itself as a rigid pattern of behavior based on fantasies, delusions of greatness and the constant search for self-confidence.

Inquisitive people with megalomaniacal tendencies think that they are very socially important. They consider themselves capable of performing great deeds and possessors of enormous wealth. However , these beliefs are both irrational and overestimated.

How do conceited people behave?

Vanity leads conceited people to act arrogantly and feel the need to be admired by others. Below we will explain some of these behaviors:

They think they are always right

Their lack of modesty and humility makes these individuals believe that they are always right simply because they are themselves . Thus , they often use positions of false power or authority to defend and impose their perspective on others.

They hide that they are very aware of their public reputation

They feel the constant need to know what others think of them. However, they try to hide that need and appear indifferent. The importance these people give to social media is remarkable. And this is where we see their illusions of greatness.

Girls take selfies - narcissism

They always want to stand out and be in the center of attention

Inquisitive people want to stand out because they consider themselves generous. They do everything dramatically. In fact, sometimes it seems like they are in with a movie. These people tend to add drama and rose paint to everything in life.

They get upset over small things

Their arrogance makes them very easily angry at the smallest things. For example, if they think you are not giving them enough attention, they will subconsciously search for an excuse to confront you.

They objectify others

Narcissistic people treat the people around them as objects or simple means to their ends. The objectification of others nurtures their pretensions and the concept they have of themselves as superior beings. And their sense of greatness causes these individuals to manipulate others as a way to gain more power.

A person is manipulated.

Remember now, self-love is not the same as narcissism or conceit. It is a sign that self-esteem and self-concept are healthy. But believing that you have the moral authority to trample on others is not just evidence of arrogance but a lack of humility.

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