Is It Possible To Create Your Own Luck?

Is luck random? Is there a way to influence luck in any way? Why does it seem like some people were born lucky (or unlucky)? Do people create their own luck? Today we will try to answer some of these questions with the latest research.
Is it possible to create your own luck?

Coincidence and luck are a part of your life from the moment you were born. You do not choose the time, place or family you were born into. The same goes for many of the experiences you will have during your life. At first glance, it probably seems like everything in your life is up to chance, but there may be some ways you can create your own luck.

Even if people throw the word “luck” around without an extra thought, it is not an easy concept to define. You might say that it has to do with random events or circumstances that positively or negatively affect your life. Luck would be to win the lottery and bad luck would be to lose your winning ticket.

Have you ever wondered if luck is actually as random as it seems? There is no definitive answer, but some researchers have gained some interesting insight into the subject. We know that luck with capital letters, as in the solder example, is largely determined by chance. However, daily luck often depends more on your skills and intelligence.

Creating Your Own Luck: Happiness and Adversity

If you study the biographies of famous historical figures, you will notice that most of them faced great adversity in life. In fact, very few of them will be considered “lucky” in the ordinary sense, and their achievements can not be explained by a simple coincidence.

In our daily lives, however, this rule does not seem to apply. In fact, physicists Alessandro Pluchino and Andrea Rapisarda, along with economist Alessio Biondo, conducted a study on luck that followed a thousand participants over forty years. Their goal was to determine the individual’s financial success.

The results were disturbing. The most talented or gifted individuals were not the ones who had the best financial situation in the end. The factor that seemed to have the most influence was luck. The most talented people reached a certain level of well-being, but those who achieved real success were the lucky ones.

Hell and logic

So what does it say about luck? On the one hand, we have men and women who have made great contributions to society and faced significant adversity in life. On the other hand, we have, to put it mildly, talented people who achieve great financial success because, according to a study, they were lucky.

Is there anything missing in this equation? Maybe, says Dr. Christian Busch, author of the book The Serendipity Mindset: The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck . Dr. Busch is also considered one of the 100 most influential thinkers in the world, according to The Economist, Diplomatic Courier Magazine, Ideas People and Davos 50 .

Busch claims that the key lies in the enigmatic word he uses in the title: serendipity (beneficial, random development). He says that these cases of luck are not necessarily a product of chance.

For Busch, it is about finding meaning in the unexpected and the coincidences. You must also be ready to take advantage of these moments. The best part is that he believes this is a skill you can work on and develop. Thus, in theory, you can promote more happiness in your life.

A woman looking at a butterfly in a window.

Creating Your Own Luck: Looking for Opportunities

Dr. Busch also believes that luck is a matter of perspective. Happiness tends to “leave” you when your desire for control removes you from the path that is less traveled. In other words, when the fear of the unknown dominates your behavior.

The unexpected is not there to cause problems. Instead, it is there to show you truths that might otherwise have escaped you. The unexpected often hides the fortune as long as you are willing to receive it. To accept imperfection in fact, find answers to your mistakes and respond with imagination and creativity of the unforeseen circumstances are the real building blocks of luck.

This is where the stories of great historical figures and not-so-talented, but very wealthy people, come together. Common to them is an excellent ability to cope with the unexpected. Other people do not do so well because they want to live in a world of security. This is where their potential stagnates. They are unable to see the diamonds glistening in the darkness of chaos.

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