Is Scribbling The Children’s Secret Language?

Scribbling can be a door to children’s secret language. Understanding this phenomenon can be the key to unlocking that door. Read more here!
Is scribbling the children's secret language?

Children constantly amaze us with their creativity. Since they have no internalized and standardized way of communicating, they can show great ingenuity in this area in the context of social interactions. One way they do this is by scribbling. Scribbling here refers to markings with a definite and concrete meaning. Scribbling, however, can be more than just thoughtless markings and can represent a form of communication.

As children get older, the communication methods they use become more structured. As it happens, scribbling and gossip turn into drawings, words, expressions and stories as their new tools for effective communication.

In this article we will show you what writing means. You will soon see that this is a kind of secret language. You will also learn other things about this way of expressing yourself.

What is scribbling?

Scribbling refers to creative markings that tend to become more complex as a child gets older. In the beginning, it can all seem messy and impulsive. This is because the infant has not yet developed his fine motor skills. Yet each selection has a certain meaning. We would be able to understand this, if the child could explain what they have written down, or if we had the resources to interpret it.

Together, the selections can follow a particular theme. You may see some of the following things reflected in what they write:

  • Emotions
  • Need
  • Fear
  • The child’s developmental stage
  • The child’s biological rhythms
What is scribbling?

So, we are definitely talking about a form of communication. That is why psychologists and psychiatrists interpret children’s scribbles in their work. In other words, scribbling is a type of instrument the psychologist can use to analyze the child’s problems. The problems can be biological in origin, because they reflect the child’s developmental stages. On the other hand, problems can also arise from something psychological, as they allow the child to express his inner world.

Scribbling mainly consists of two different components:

  • The action itself. This includes the manifestations of intention, spontaneity or the intention to send out a message.
  • The selections themselves. These show the level of mastery the child has reached. That is, with what degree of ease or difficulty the child completes the writing.

Thus, scribbling is also related to sensory and motor aspects. The sensory aspect reflects what the child perceives, as well as stimuli they are sensitive to. When it comes to the motor aspect, it is this element that allows them to act in and interact with the external world they are in.

Children’s secret language

Scribbling is thus a form of language. This is because it is a way for children to express themselves. Although this is a very basic action, it can be charged with emotions. By this we mean that scribbling is manifestations that the child lays down as bridges of communication between himself and others. This is especially important as they may not know how to communicate with words, or they may prefer not to use words, even if they can.

As a lecturer and psychologist Evi Crotti and doctor Alberto Magni, who specializes in psychotherapy and psychosomatic conditions, propose in his book Scribling: The SecretLanguage of Children , “the act of scribbling on a piece of paper makes communication between child and adult possible” (p. .19).

Languages ​​can have many different forms. A definition from a dictionary “a system of conventional signs and symbols that people use to express themselves and to communicate with each other”. Based on this definition, we can see that it is not just about speech. It also includes writing, nonverbal communication and symbols. As such, writing is also easy to place in the language category, as this is also a form of expression. It’s a way children can tell us something about their inner world.

Interpretation of scribbling

In order to interpret writing, you need to consider the following two basic aspects:

  • The maturity of the nervous system. Specifically, we mean its maturation in terms of representative abilities. It is characterized by well-defined foundations: motor skills, space, symbol function and language, among others.
  • The fact that not everyone is qualified to interpret them. You need to be aware that although there are some parameters that indicate certain things, the only people who are able and legally authorized to interpret this type of material correctly are professionals. These are psychologists, psychology professors and psychiatrists. This will of course also depend on the legislation of individual countries.
Is scribbling possible to interpret?

In the following section, we will show you some general patterns of interpretation. However, you should keep in mind that each child is unique. The few descriptions we present here are not enough to get a complete and integrated interpretation of a single child’s writing. These are just generalized interpretations that are meant to give you an overview of the general meaning of writing. If you think it is necessary, do not hesitate to contact a professional who can help you and your child.

A list of characteristics

It is important to pay close attention to the details in order to be able to interpret children’s scribbles. Remember the following:

  • The way they do it. Pay attention to how the child holds the pencil in his hand. Are they calm to free, or do they express a certain kind of tension?
  • The starting point. When a child begins to scribble in the middle of the sheet, it tends to show that they know their place in the outside world. When they start scribbling elsewhere, it may indicate embarrassment or tension.
  • Place. If the writing takes up a lot of space on the page, this indicates self-confidence, extroversion and a desire for growth. If the child uses little space, it may mean that the child experiences fear, inhibition, or that they are introverted.
  • Print. When a child scribbles easily and indistinctly, it can mean that they have a sensitive character. Darker lines may indicate a high level of energy and the need for more personal space.
  • Coat / movement. If the movements are confident, this can show that the child has mastered the activity. If they are more cautious or hesitant, it may indicate a certain amount of fear. Alternatively, hesitant movements can also occur as a result of a strict upbringing.
  • The form. Each circle, line, curve, angle broken line or other shape is a reflection of where the child places himself in the world. In other words, this is how the child perceives himself and how they develop.
  • Circles. The projection of the shape that is best known to a child – the face.
  • Angles. May indicate tension and resistance.
  • Scribbling with sharp movements / strokes. This can signal an intense inner emotional life. There may also be a call for more contact due to some concern they may have.
  • Broken lines. May point to a fear of separation from the objects or people they are affected by.

Is scribbling affected by color?

Colors can also have a meaning. They can, for example, reveal traces of aggression, joy, love, etc. Color psychology tries to categorize these possible meanings. For example , the color red may be representative of impulsivity, yellow may indicate joy, black may indicate fear, sadness or aggression, and white is most often interpreted as calm.

Scribbling can be a window into a child’s inner world. Paying attention to these scribbles can help you gain greater insight into how they are doing. This is truly a wonderful language that is becoming more and more thoughtful and elaborate as time goes on. Even though it is “secret”, in the sense that we do not understand it at first, we can discover meanings in it. In this way, we also become more aware of the child’s personality and also what is going on in their lives.

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