It’s Best Not To Hesitate Where You Can Not Love

It is best not to hesitate where you can not love

The end of a relationship does not have to be seen as a mistake.  “Wrong” of our emotional autonomy occurs when we strive to remain in a relationship. An unhealthy, unproductive relationship that has stopped developing. Therefore, it is a relationship where it is impossible for us to love pure and intense.

Because, as Frida Kahlo proclaimed in her day, it’s best not to linger where you can not love. Because we carry the things we do not let go of as a burden. And what we carry weighs us down. And what weighs us down ends up sinking us.

On this basis, it is important that we understand that fear and doubt are normal and ordinary emotions. Furthermore, they often follow us throughout life. However , we should be clear on the fact that striving for love, no matter what it costs, will only end in us committing emotional suicide.

real and transparent hand

Knowing how to end stages – a step of emotional maturity

It is difficult at times to decide when to close a particular chapter in our lives. The truth is that many times relationships fall victim to the weight of discomfort and the feeling of being trapped. One of the first symptoms is emotional claustrophobia. To drown in a relationship and feel like you have to fly away. To feel that you have lost all autonomy, and that there is no point in continuing like this.

Depending on how we plan to resolve this situation (that is, if we feel motivated to do so), the emotional conflict can be resolved in one of two ways. It is very easy to feel that you are trapped in this nonsense, that you are walking around and around without finding a way out.

To alleviate the anxiety that you do not have any magic formulas that “cure everything,”  much depends on the connection between attitudes, experiences, feelings and expectations that lead us to take a step or another. Each of us must examine ourselves and really decide what we do and do not do to change the situation. In addition to thinking about what we want to do.

In these crucial moments, we tend to be threatened by the fear of emptiness in the form of a deep pain. This fear of leaving is normal. That is why it is indispensable to ask what we want and what we are willing to do, as well as the motivation of the other member of the story.

couple dancing

If we decide to fly, we must keep in mind that it will probably not keep us calm at first. In fact, saying goodbye requires great bravery because of the uncertainty and pain created  by leaving the castle we built with the intention of tearing it down.

It is about stopping a type of pain that can be avoided. We refer to a couple, a friendship or any other type of relationship. Sometimes it is necessary to end the disillusionment and dissatisfaction… simply and simply because it has no other possible solution.

Once in a while traps snakes their skin. To get rid of its old skin, the snake chooses to slide through two stones that lie very close together. These will squeeze the body, scrape it and help the snake get rid of this layer which is now unwanted. Of course, this journey is not pleasant. In fact, it hurts. But this action helps them get rid of something that is already worn out. They do it to give way to something new and fresh.

rain falls on flowers

When we have to shed our skin and say goodbye, the new beginning can push us into a deep anxiety. Let us not forget that we make room for us to be born again, for us to grow. Suffering is inevitable when it’s time to close some doors in your life, but it’s synonymous with loving yourself.

It’s about visualizing your life in a different way, about being brave and changing locks. Because all in all, it’s important to know how to develop. You need to allow yourself stability and adjust the temperature of your life to suit your own needs.

When doing so, do not focus on what you have lost, but rather on all that you can gain. Remember: Do not settle for being “almost happy “.  Do not finish reading bad books. Leave the cinema if the movie is not good. Get up and walk out of the restaurant if you do not like the menu or the prices. Look out and think of other ways if the one you are on is not the right one. You can not get the time back. Do not put a price on your well-being.

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