Learn How To Report Bullying

If a school does not ensure the safety of students, it is important to report. Schools must be safe places for all students, and society should hold them accountable for just that.
Learn how to report bullying

Knowing how to report bullying or filing a public complaint against an educational institution is fundamental to ending the problem. If you remain silent, not only will the bully’s behavior go unnoticed, but it will continue to affect other students.

Bullying is a serious problem that affects students at school worldwide. Fortunately, society as a whole has taken a stand to put an end to bullying, especially during the last couple of years. Today, there are things you can do to protect children and teens. In fact, most schools have protocols in place to deal with bullying.

It is important to tackle the problem quickly and efficiently. Failure to do so may result in the victim suffering severely, both physically and emotionally. In the most serious cases, bullying can lead to suicide. It is also important to remember that this type of behavior has far-reaching consequences. The direct victims are never the only ones affected.

When no one tells about bullying, the bullies get used to behaving violently. Several studies have shown that if no one stops or changes the bad behavior of bullies, they become violent adults (Olweus, 2011; Temcheff, Serbin, 2008).

Children sitting alone on a bench in a playground

Tell me about bullying

Today, there are laws that hold schools accountable if they fail to protect students from harm. This includes bullying. Thus, the first step in reporting bullying is to demand that the school take measures to protect the child and discipline the bullies.

This step is very important. If the school does not take appropriate measures to protect the students, you can file a legal complaint. It is the school’s responsibility to guarantee the protection of students. After all, the school is meant to be a safe place for all children.

In several countries, schools have already been convicted because they did not protect children from bullying, which led to them having to pay for themselves. In Spain, for example, in May 2012, a judge demanded that a school pay 32,000 Euros (approximately 3.25 million NOK) in compensation to the family of a child who was bullied.

If the school does not take the necessary measures to protect the students, or if what they do is not enough, you can send a complaint to the county governor in Norway.

What happens afterwards?

According to advokat.no, the complaint must formally be sent to the principal  at the school first, so that the school is given the opportunity to reconsider the case. If the school does not accept the complaint, it can be sent to the county governor. If the bullying or lack of action on the part of the school has led to mental or physical damage, the student may be entitled to compensation.

Bullying often involves criminal behavior such as threatening or physical violence. If a child is a victim of such a crime and what we talked about earlier in the article does not solve the problem, you can go directly to the police. The bully can then be punished depending on the severity.

Often the bully has to pay the compensation, and if the bully is a minor, parents or guardians have to pay. However, if it turns out that the school has neglected it, they must also pay compensation.

With that said, it is important to remember that the goal here is to put an end to bullying. The child who has been bullied must feel safe at school and be able to go there without being threatened or exposed to violence.

Girl being bullied at school

What can we do at home?

A child who has been bullied needs to feel that they have the full support of the family. They must also be able to trust the family and other adults involved. These two factors are fundamental to solving this problem. Children usually speak clearly and honestly when they feel safe, so it is important that the family listens. Be careful not to openly ask questions of what your child is telling you. Be calm and tread carefully from here.

Bullying can have serious consequences. One of the most common is that it negatively affects the student’s self-esteem. It can also cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and, in severe cases, self-harm.

Because of this, victims of bullying may need the help of a specialist to be able to heal their emotional wounds. They often do poorly at school, are afraid to go there, or suffer from depression. If your child or a child you know shows one of these symptoms, it is important to get help from a professional.

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