Learn To Communicate Effectively

Learn to communicate effectively

How many times have you tried to communicate something to someone, only to end up with them interpreting it in a completely different way than you expected? How many personal conflicts come from pure misunderstandings? Do you know how to communicate effectively?

We live in a society and are dependent on each other for countless reasons. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to have the ability to express ourselves clearly, and communicate effectively  with others.

Whether we want to succeed and prosper or cultivate an intense social life that satisfies us on a personal level,  we need to improve our communication skills. Here are some tips to keep in mind to learn how to communicate effectively.

  • Be concise and non-repetitive.  When you repeat your message and give too many explanations, over and over again, the other person may feel that you are looking down on them – as if you do not think they are able to understand what you are saying the first time you say it. . It is always possible to address topics that are deep and meaningful. Just remember that you have to do it without too many repetitions and explanations.
  • Get to the point quickly and be specific. To ensure that your communication is effective, you need to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Omit ambiguities and generalizations, and say exactly what you want to say. If we express ourselves directly,  the effect of what you say will be more positive.
  • Do not move backwards. There is never anything good in drawing out previous disagreements and holding on to old resentment. The only thing you can get out of it is pain and problems. It is true that the  past can be a huge help and show us which way we should go, but that only applies as long as we are willing to consider the past in a positive light. That is, if we try to learn something from it.
  • Find the right time and the right place to talk. Obviously, there are certain topics that cannot be addressed anywhere. When we have to address something that is difficult  with another person, it is of course best to do it in a private environment. On the other hand, if, for example, we are to  congratulate someone on something,  or give someone recognition for something, this should  be made public so that others also get it. 
  •  Record moments separately, finish one before moving on to the next. It is not recommended to discuss several different aspects that have nothing to do with each other at the same time. Sometimes it may be that  we do our best when it comes to seizing the moment,  and by doing it at the wrong time, we can quickly end up adding a long list of completely different things to the moment that really is up for debate. This will probably only cause irritation to the other party. 
  • Observe silent communication. What is expressed verbally is not everything. Your gestures, the volume and tone of your voice, and the expressions you have must match what you say. If they do not, your message will be lost. How you deliver your message is as important as what you have to say.
  • Do not be too firm in your claims. When you say things like, “It’s just that you always act this way.” By doing so, you are adding things that are simply not true. If we express ourselves in that way, we will undoubtedly end up being unfair and unvarnished. If the goal is to resolve a conflict, you should try to use less solid expressions such as “sometimes” or “often”,  then there is much less chance that you will end up making your conversation partner feel bad.
  • When giving constructive criticism, be absolutely sure that you are referring to the person’s behavior, and not to the person themselves. Most of the time, no matter what the situation, we  really dislike a person’s way of being – and not the person himself. It is essential to understand the difference and to make a clear distinction between the action and the person.

To sum up:  to communicate effectively, it is an art, and it is well spent time and energy to strive to always do better.

Photos: smarnad –  freedigitalphotos.net

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