Othello Syndrome – Uncontrollable And Pathological Jealousy

Othello Syndrome - Uncontrollable and pathological jealousy 

Jealousy is quite common in romantic relationships. The problem is when it becomes uncontrollable, constant and unhealthy. When this happens, jealousy ceases to be a concern and becomes a real problem leading to the so-called Othello syndrome.

This syndrome gets its name from the Shakespeare play “Othello: The Moor of Venice”. Psychologists also refer to it as insane jealousy. In the play, the main character Othello becomes extremely suspicious due to the so-called infidelity of his wife Desdemona. He is so convinced by his own theories that he murders her and then commits suicide.

Like Othello, it is people who fall into these vicious and obsessive patterns of suspicion and distrust of their partners. There is no fact or motivation for it, other than their own imagination. People who have it this way may have a tendency to suffer from Othello syndrome. Below we will take a closer look at the characteristics, possible causes and treatment of the syndrome.

Characteristics of Othello syndrome

According to the DSM-5, Othello syndrome is a type of jealousy that may qualify under the diagnosis of delusion. This means that the basic axis of the disorder is pathological or extreme jealousy that supports the idea of ​​a partner’s infidelity.

A person suffering from Othello syndrome behaves in a completely irrational way. In other words, the person sees what they want to see, without judging whether or not there is evidence of their conviction. Their biggest concern in the relationship is to thoroughly search for evidence that reveals their partner. They will look through their partner’s cell phone and computer and constantly ask them about their routines. Their delusions can even lead them to believe that their partner has changed their habits after they became unfaithful.

Woman checking the phone of man

Othello syndrome is a condition that can have serious consequences due to the uncontrollable and irrational jealousy that grips those who suffer from the syndrome. In some cases, the person believes that they are the victim of a conspiracy and feel betrayed by their partner.

Other people may also play a role in encouraging jealousy. This is the case with Iago in the play, and today it is often the case with the help of various means of communication. Everything that confirms the individual’s suspicion becomes important.

Here are some aspects of the condition that can help identify if an individual is suffering from this syndrome:

  • Constant questioning and checking of the  partners’ habits.
  • The sudden suspicion that there is another without any evidence.
  • Inability to control jealousy due to lack of awareness.
  • Inability to control impulses.
  • Ongoing search for explanations that justify the suspicions and misinterpretation of the significant other’s behavior.

Causes of Othello Syndrome

To date , there are no studies that fully explain the cause of this syndrome. However, there are many factors that affect the development of the condition. Some of them are alcoholism, schizophrenia or addiction.

Other studies have linked Othello’s syndrome to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheim’s or Parkinson’s. Some experts believe that there is a link between the syndrome and brain damage. What this means is that the cause of the syndrome may be physiological.

It’s not just a matter of behavior. There is also an emotional component associated with self-esteem that we should not forget. Researchers still have a lot of work to do to fully understand the causes of this syndrome.

What is the treatment for pathological jealousy?

Treatment for pathological jealousy is possible with professional help. With help, the person can learn to control their jealousy and restore their personal peace. In addition, they can even restore harmony in their relationship. In order to do this, it is important to evaluate the patient thoroughly to find out the origin of their jealousy. It is also important to identify the severity of the condition and the consequences it has in your life.

Woman in therapy class

The most successful and widely used therapy for Othello syndrome is cognitive behavioral therapy. On the one hand, psychologists use behavioral techniques such as exposure and response prevention, and on the cognitive side, they use cognitive restructuring. In extreme cases, experts also recommend anti-psychotic medication for impulse control.

Family and couples therapy are also important. This is because jealousy is sometimes related to the life story of the person affected by Othello syndrome.

As you can see, Othello syndrome is a disorder that can have serious consequences. As a result, it should be treated as soon as it is detected, and the individual should seek help from a specialist.

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