Reading And Development Of Emotional Intelligence

Reading is great for boosting emotional intelligence. In today’s article we will explore how.
Reading and developing emotional intelligence

A 2017 study by the American Psychiatric Association indicated that reading Harry Potter increases a person’s emotional intelligence. Especially because it opens your mind when it reduces the prejudices you may have against minorities.

Another study, published in the journal Science in 2013, concluded that reading science fiction promotes the development of mind theory.

It seems that reading, in general, encourages emotional development, which in turn is a good indicator of personal, social and work success.

Are there gender differences?

A woman reading at the door.

Regarding gender differences, studies show that there is no significant difference in global emotional intelligence.

However, we find differences by analyzing the components that make up emotional intelligence. The main differences are:

Women have

  • Increased awareness of their feelings.
  • A greater ability to perceive, understand and express them.
  • Much more empathy.
  • A greater suitability in their interpersonal relationships.
  • More opportunities for social interaction.

Men have

  • A higher stress tolerance.
  • Greater control over their impulses.
  • More personal safety.
  • More independence.
  • A greater ability to be optimistic.

The evolution of emotional intelligence

There are two main points when it comes to developing emotional intelligence.

  • The first states that it gradually increases with age and experience.
  • The other, which develops during childhood and tones down in early adulthood.

Coaching people at an early age can be very positive for the development of this type of intelligence. Studies performed on school-age children show that work through specific programs or through cross-disciplinary treatment has the following benefits:

  • A significant improvement in social skills.
  • A significant increase in emotional skills.
  • It prevents the manifestation of behavioral and mental problems.
  • It gives positive academic results.

Which books should you choose to increase your emotional intelligence?

There are many options to choose from when it comes to choosing books or reading material to increase your emotional intelligence. Let’s pretend we’m in a bookstore.

Go to the broad section of novels and choose one with a plot that will hook you immediately. By doing this, you will develop a certain connection to one or more characters. Thus, by connecting with them, you will develop empathy.

Then you put yourself in the situation of the character you attached yourself to. Try to understand their emotional state, what moves them and understand the reason why they act in a certain way. In short, take this grade as a reference to learn from. This is an indirect but very entertaining way to develop emotional intelligence.

The other option is to go to the psychology or self-help section of the bookstore. Although not as extensive as the novels section, you will surely find many books dedicated to the development of your personal skills, abilities, attitudes and, of course, emotional intelligence.

Thus, these types of books are set aside because they give the reader direct knowledge or action patterns. The authors of these books often use characters as examples, but these are not necessarily the main characters in the book.

Finally, if you want to integrate the benefits of both types of books, there is a third option you can choose. There are self-help books with many short stories. These are designed to teach you something through the actions and experiences of the characters mentioned in them. This is done through the attitudes and skills that the author suggests from the beginning.

To promote emotional intelligence in children

A person reading by the window.

To work with reading and emotional intelligence, there are two basic strategies you can use:

  • The first is that one uses techniques, methods or actions with direct action as models and is done by parents. Check out the article ” 3 keys to developing your child’s potential ” to find out more about this.
  • The second, which is less direct but equally effective, mainly involves reading. Be it stories, fables, comics, novels, etc. All of these resources are wonderful ways for parents to promote their children’s social and emotional skills. In fact, reading books helps to develop mind theory. This is a very important ability to have, as it allows you to reflect and understand both your and others’ mental state.

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