Relationship Crisis: Why Does My Relationship Go From One Crisis To Another?

Relationship Crisis: Why does my relationship go from one crisis to another?

Why was it different before ? You have probably asked yourself that question at some point about your relationship. This question creates doubt, mistrust and uncertainty. Above all, it makes you feel like you and your partner are in a constant relationship crisis.

A relationship crisis is not something you should be too worried about. It happens when a couple goes through a transition and needs change. What you should worry about is how you handle crises.

If you find yourself blaming the other person or ignoring what is happening, you should analyze your behavior. Another unhealthy behavior is believing that the crisis is the end of your relationship, or blindly trusting certain perceptions that undermine the bond you have with the other person. After a few years in the same relationship, it is normal to face new challenges. Maybe some of them are things you would never have imagined. But that’s perfectly normal. The secret is to know how to handle them.

Perceptions and behaviors that can cause a relationship crisis

Romantic relationships are very important to us. Still, there are some special beliefs and behaviors that can turn a beautiful thing into something terrible. For example, the idea you have about what a relationship should be like, or what love is, or how your partner should behave. You are influenced by all these ideas, and they can be the catalyst for a crisis.

Another example, even though you may not be aware of it, is that most people prefer that the honeymoon phase of the relationship last forever. As the intensity of this phase decreases, you begin to see your partner just as he or she is. Then the expectations and idealizations disappear, and it can give way to a crisis.

When you take off the bandage in front of your eyes and discover that your partner is not what you thought, you try to keep things as good as possible. To do so, you can try to change the other person,  by shaping them and directing them towards ideals and expectations that do not come true.

However, this is not the same as accepting the other person. You just try to make them as close to the mental image you have as possible. If you behave like this, the other person may be offended and problems may arise. Because how would you feel if someone tried to change who you are? Asking your partner to change is allowed as long as you do not require it and you pay attention to them.

man thinking of love

Another mistake is to think that when you are in a relationship, you do not need to do anything more. You have to cultivate love day by day, but for whatever reason, people relax when they feel they have something safe. And thus you forget to show your partner how much you appreciate and love them. These are basic things if you want a healthy relationship based on admiration and respect.

Lack of communication is without a doubt what causes most crises. It is unhealthy to be quiet about things that bother you. Many people do, and keep these things to themselves until they explode. It is also not good to have doubts about your partner and not say anything. You end up living in constant uncertainty and making decisions that challenge the relationship, but you are on your side. All of these things will damage the bond you have.

Every person needs space

Another thing that can lead to a relationship crisis is emotional dependence. This is when you think your partner is your only source of happiness. You think you will not be anything without the other person, and you are completely dependent on your partner. Doing something without the other person or even feeling good is impossible.

However, it is important in every relationship that both people enjoy their place. They should each spend time with their friends, doing something they enjoy doing. Your partner is not the center of the world, and if you treat them that way, it can feel suffocating.

Gif of emotions in a relationship

Also, total dependence on the other person causes fear, insecurity and doubt in the relationship. All this can lead to an immediate relationship crisis.

You may also find yourself comparing your relationship with others. You see them from the outside and they seem perfect. Other couples do everything together, and they are never apart… It can also affect your relationship, and you may wish you had it so good. The thing is, you do not know what is going on behind closed doors. They can have a relationship crisis every day.

Comparing your relationship with others is unfair and pointless. You are different from other people, you have had a different life, and you have faced different situations. Each pair is unique, and it is extremely important to remember that.

Every relationship crisis is an opportunity

As you can see, crises are just opportunities to change and change your relationship. These changes can take the form of a development or a breakup. There are moments when you have to take a break and reflect on the relationship.

So the first step to resolving them is to stay open. In other words, be willing to deal with them in the best possible way. It means not only reflecting and talking together, but also meditating on your own.

When you sit down to talk to your partner, you need to forget about complaints and try to talk from a practical and positive perspective. It is not helpful to remind your partner of everything they have done wrong. Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis. Otherwise, their relationship will be in constant crisis. If you can not solve it on your own, you can seek help from a relationship expert.

Relationship crises can lead to a breakup and they cannot. In both cases, the experience is necessary. You have to deal with this if you want to be a better person and partner.

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