Self-absorbed People Will Rarely Reach The Top

Self-absorbed people will rarely reach the top

When we say, “reach the top”, we are not talking about getting ahead of others based on superficial reasons. That does not mean you are the most physically attractive person. We are not saying that you are the most successful professional.

Reaching the top means so much more than that. It means deep, authentic mental health. To be happy is to reach the top. Enjoying life and finding joy in it is the most precious thing we could hope for.

The concept of placing less emphasis on ourselves goes hand in hand with unconditional acceptance. When we slim down our egos and remember that we are only human, we can get rid of the pressure of pretending to set up a facade.

If we look closely, the people we truly appreciate and admire are the real ones. They accept themselves and they are sure of who they are. They try to improve, but they tell themselves that they should not be who they are not.

On the contrary, they find positive value in who they are. When we are psychologically vulnerable to the world, when we cut our egos down to a suitable size and we love ourselves just as we are, that’s when we really reach the top.

To reach the top, you do not have to depend on the outside world

When we assign value to people based on what they have or what they have achieved, it is a mistake. We make another mistake when we value ourselves based on certain characteristics. If we do not accept ourselves for who we are, we will suffer.

Woman balancing on a chair with pink balls in the air

External things cannot add value to a person. As a simplified example, a fruit basket is worth just as much if it has some fruit with minor imperfections . In other words, we cannot base our personal values ​​on a single action or aspect.

If you think there are really bad people in the world, you are wrong. There are people who make mistakes or are ill, or have not learned to behave in any other way. If you reflect a little, you will realize that in each of these people is a child who just wants to run, laugh and enjoy life.

Therefore, since all human beings have this incredible ability, we are all worth the same. Neither race nor gender, intelligence level or money, makes any difference.

Visualize to get rid of your self-obsession

We need to visualize ourselves without all the things that seem to make us valuable. That way we can free ourselves from the pressure that comes from thinking we must have some special qualities, be a certain way or have certain things. They are like clothes that disappear when you are naked.

For example, if I’m the type who believes that having a shapely body makes me more valuable, I need to imagine myself without my shapely body. I have to visualize myself as an unattractive but extremely happy person. After all, a well-shaped body is not necessary to enjoy life.

We can do the same with other external features. Some examples are intelligence or success. If we are able to see ourselves as happy but unintelligent or unsuccessful people, we will be less dependent on the “clothes” we hide behind. We can be more flexible and less strict with our imperfections. After all, these imperfections can be found in every body and every soul.

Woman by the sea

We want to be happy, no matter what we own. We want to be at peace with ourselves and our surroundings because we do not feel the need to create a certain image so that others accept us. Paradoxically, only then will others truly accept us.

So the key to health and happiness is to free ourselves from self-obsession. We must tell ourselves that we are worthy beings, but we are not self-absorbed at the same time.

It may sound contradictory, but it is true. Tell yourself that you are great, but indispensable. That attitude gives us a mental break. We have nothing to prove; we only love ourselves for who we are.

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