Stress Rash And Pimples: When Your Skin Reacts To Your Emotions

Have you ever had red pimples on your face. on the neck, chest or abdomen? Stress is linked to the skin. Thus, these types of unpleasant manifestations are very common. Want to know why this is happening? We explain stress rash in this article.
Stress rash and pimples: When your skin responds to your emotions

Can we get rashes, pimples, blemishes or hives due to stress? Many extreme mental states can manifest themselves organically and also physically. Furthermore, in dermatology, this is a very common condition. In fact, it is an increasingly common phenomenon, both in adults and children. Learn all about stress rashes in today’s article.

The intricate link between skin and stress has been studied for decades. The compound “brain-skin” has led psychology, endocrinology, neurobiology and dermatology to work together to better understand this phenomenon.

Of course, these manifestations can be very bothersome and even inhibiting. Sometimes intense facial inflammation and redness can significantly limit a person’s social life.

In addition to this, these rashes and spots are usually accompanied by intense itching and pain that can limit a person’s normal daily life.

A stressed man.

Stress rash: What it is, why it occurs, and how it should be treated

Many people who suffer from stress end up with skin conditions such as stress rashes and pimples. The most common are undoubtedly typical acne outbreaks. However, one aspect should be clarified: These manifestations may be due to typical adolescent conditions and can only be considered as stress pimples when this psychological condition is experienced intensely over time.

We can not overlook the fact that the skin is the largest organ in the body. It is also very sensitive to our mood. Rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis or vitiligo are fairly common changes and are the subject of most dermatological consultations.

How to know if the pimples or rash is due to stress

These stress rashes or pimples can appear from one day to the next. They look like an outbreak, and the first thing we usually think is that it is due to some kind of allergy. It is also very easy to distinguish them from spots due to the sun, as they have a browner tone and are shaped over time, little by little.

These stress rashes or pimples usually have the following appearance:

  • They have a reddish tone.
  • They are irregular and occur in nuclei.
  • They usually appear on the neck, chest and abdomen, but also on the arms and legs.
  • You will notice them because they itch, sting and bother you when your clothes rub against them.

Why does a stress rash occur?

Stress conditions maintained over time require their long-term. They do it in so many ways, it’s true, but sudden pimples or rashes that appear on the skin are a fairly common phenomenon. Let us analyze the reasons for their occurrence:

Psychological stress generates an inflammatory reaction on the skin, causing pimples, rashes and hives and even preventing the healing of wounds. This revealed a study conducted at the Freie Universität Berlin by doctors Robert Maioff and Yingh Shen.

  • Furthermore , we know that these stress states increase blood adrenaline levels, which causes cortisol levels to rise.
  • This hormone causes an imbalance in the skin and causes seborrhea and bacteria.
  • We suffer from hormonal changes, an accumulation of toxins and inflammatory processes begin to appear. The skin is the body’s largest organ and also the most sensitive to these hormonal changes.
  • For example, we know that vitiligo, although an autoimmune disease, can also be exacerbated by stress. This happens when the immune system itself attacks the skin cells that produce melanin. Therefore, the classic white spots appear.
  • Rosacea is another skin disease that can also occur as a result of stress and as a reaction to the inflammation caused by excess cortisol.
A happy woman.

How to treat stress-related pimples

Stress pimples can appear at any time. Every time you go through times of prolonged stress, you risk suffering from some form of skin change. What can you do in these circumstances?

  • The first thing you should do is go to the doctor and rule out other pathologies.
  • In general , antihistamines are usually prescribed to reduce both inflammation and itching.
  • If you do not deal with the stress, obviously the nervousness will continue to be present, as well as itching, discomfort and the risk of more stress pimples.
  • You have to break the cycle. To do this, cognitive behavioral therapy is very useful. With this therapy you can work with dysfunctional thoughts and ideas that amplify the discomfort.
  • Establishing routines to include times of rest, leisure and physical and mental relaxation is also very important.
  • Practicing some form of moderate exercise is always very helpful.
  • On the other hand, it is important to take care of your diet. Reduce the consumption of saturated fat, ready meals, refined flour, alcohol or stimulant drinks such as coffee.

To conclude, do not neglect the impact of emotions, worries and mental states on skin health. When the body speaks, it is your duty to understand the message it is sending you and try to find a solution.

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