Stress Relieving Color: Blue

Stress relieving color: Blue

Did you know that there is a color that can relieve stress? It is the color of the sea, the color of the sky on a shining summer evening. It’s blue! The color that has enough natural strength to make people feel relaxed and calm.

The interesting thing is that blue, which is a very popular color  today, was not considered as it used to be. Why? Yes, because it was not seen in so many places. Besides the color of the sky and the sea, it was not so common in everyday life in the 12th century (except in Egyptian culture).

That was then, but thanks to new techniques in chemistry and and production, blue went from being a “strange” color to finding its way into religious paintings, coats of arms and other works of art. Overnight, people discovered the psychological and emotional effects of blue.

It is associated with divinity, mystery, royalty and elegance. A little later, from the beginning of the 18th century and with the development of new pigments, one suddenly gained access to a richer selection of blue colors. These, together with research by Michel Pastoureau, blue suddenly became the favorite color of all western countries.

Blue image with nerve fibers

Stress-relieving blue

We have spent many years studying color psychology – and we have seen surprising results. What Newton himself started was then continued by Goethe and later developed by Eva Heller. Today, universities around the world analyze the relationship between color and marketing. One goal is to achieve relaxing but productive work environments.

Experts have said for many years that the color blue is the color that has the most stress-relieving power. Let’s have a little fun for a moment. We pretend to be in front of a calm sea, a sea of ​​blue water that merges with the horizon with a sky of the same color. If we manage to reproduce this image, the calm that we feel will be enormous, comforting, wonderful. And that feeling most people will be left with.

Researchers at the University of Granada, in collaboration with San Rafael at Granada Special Education College, have shown that blue light has a very positive effect on a person who has experienced acute psychosocial stress. (For example, from quarrels, pressure at work, etc.) In fact, blue is calmer than white.

Eva Heller’s study also showed that if you decorated classrooms and other environments with blue as the common color, you experienced minor outbursts and behavioral problems. The calming effect of blue color can not be denied.

Narrow hallway with door

Always present blue

Among marketers, blue is the color they prefer for stress relief. This is because neuromarketing experts know what it does to our subconscious mind.

  • Blue is not only visual but also experimental.
  • It generates feelings of trust, silence, calm and order.
  • Major brands such as Facebook, Twitter, Ford, Volkswagen, IBM, Roche, BBVA, Carrefour and MRW use this deliberately, because they know that blue reflects loyalty.

If you think about it, then you know that the major airlines use a lot of blue. Tranquility and confidence are the most important thing in this industry, so that’s why you see so much of it on aircraft and the profile elements of the airlines.

Blue sky and jetty

You do not have to paint the whole house sky blue to have a peaceful home. If you did, it would have the opposite effect and your brain would be overloaded. Balance is the main focus here. When you have a bad day, there is nothing better than a walk on the beach, or lying on the grass and looking up at the huge, beautiful blue sky…

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