The Big Question: Have I Wasted My Life?

If you have ever taken yourself in ask yourself the question “Have I wasted my life?” then maybe it’s time to follow some good advice. In this article, we invite you to discover some tips that can help you further.
The big question: Have I wasted my life?

Maybe the years have passed without you noticing. Commitments at work, the daily struggle, as well as countless worries have kept you busy. So busy, that you have not actually had time to reflect on the state you are in. But maybe, on a normal day, a day like yesterday, tired of living an automated life, you will start questioning things. Various questions may come to your mind repeatedly – Have I achieved what I always wanted, or have I wasted my life? Am I where I really want to be?

If you have ever caught yourself thinking about these issues, or if you are in that period of your life right now, do not forget that it is more normal than you might have expected. At some point, almost all people go through the same difficult period that these questions reflect.

That said, it can be scary to find yourself asking yourself this kind of question. That’s because you may not know how far they will take you. It can also be a period where an inner state of positive introspection appears in you that will lead to a personal enrichment. As such, a new impetus in a new direction may emerge from this internal crisis. It can lead your life to a more positive and self-aware state. Let us explain what we mean by this.

"Have I wasted my life?", A question most people will ask themselves during their lifetime.

The big question: “Have I wasted my life?”

When a person asks themselves this question, the feeling they experience can be described as a gap that opens up inside them. In fact, it is not uncommon for this to cause the person to analyze their life in retrospect. The goal of this type of reflection is to achieve a balance between the achievements achieved and the negative experiences, events, or mistakes in life.

The result can be many emotions that try to come out at one and the same time. This may be because they have been latent, or perhaps even oppressed. The key is to identify them, assess their origins and express them. This can help you understand your current condition. It can also help free you from burdens that have not allowed you to move on.

As you can see, asking yourself these questions will be a consequence of a deep mental and emotional journey. These questions are about all the areas of your life that you consider important. You will consider them one by one. Below we will go through some of these issues that tend to be particularly important in this process:

Have I wasted my life when it comes to my job?

“Do I like my job?”, “What does it offer me?”, “Will I stay in this job for the rest of my career?”, “Have I wasted my life on an insignificant job?”.

These are questions that will rarely come up with simple or clear answers. Working is important for living, and as such it is a reality that is difficult to escape. This is why even though you may not be able to control all the circumstances surrounding your work, the way you approach it depends on your attitude.

Equally, many psychologists suggest that while it is not a good idea to base your happiness on the job you have, it is wise to choose your job carefully. It may be a better idea to choose a job that will have a minimal emotional impact on you. This is especially true if you are not feeling well, or feel that work is bothering you, or that it is leading to negative consequences in your life.

Look for opportunities for change

It is important to be aware that you can not force someone to be in a place they do not want to be. Therefore, you can re-evaluate your work situation at any time and start looking for new opportunities, if it seems like your best option.

When the work you do gives you more stress than satisfaction, it can be a sign. This may indicate that it’s time to make some changes. Find new opportunities for progress and thus avoid getting stuck in a bad situation. However, it is also true that this will not always be possible.

Life consists of moments. That is why it is important to learn to get the most out of every second. For example, let’s look at the station where you can not always be at home because of your job. If you do not want these circumstances to ruin your ability to enjoy life, you can make a deal with yourself. You can do your best to make the time you spend at home unforgettable.


Have I wasted my family life? “. This may be another of the big questions that come to mind. A positive way to meet it is by reformulating the question. It can give you a completely different answer.

That is, you can turn the question into a formulation that lacks the necessary aspect of negative emotions. These can motivate you to action. You can be inspired to achieve a more desirable type of family life than you have now – You can try, for example: “ It may be true that I have wasted family life. So now is the time to change that. ”

There are many who often choose other things over the family. Despite that, it is beneficial on an emotional level to be grateful for the family you have. You may even appreciate the fact that you have a family. Remember that not everyone is so lucky.

Do not let the past dictate tomorrow

In your case, it may have taken a long time, and you have distanced yourself from your family members. Or maybe it’s just that you do not have the relationships you wish you had with them. Whatever the way, what is stopping you from having the relationship with your family that you have always wanted?

If it helps, you can look at the past as a distant daydream in your head. And if it is of such a nature, it does not have to hinder your ability to act today. You can restore these connections with your family as time and distance may have been damaged. If you feel you need forgiveness, you have the right to ask for it from your family.

In summary, you may want to look at family as your roots. They are your origin. This is a group of people you have a lot in common with. Thus, it is very likely that you will want to take care of the ties you share with them.

How do I know if I've wasted my life?


There are people who do not realize the importance of having children. Instead, they focus on other priorities that are important to them. For other people, caring for children is almost like a transcendental life mission.

Whatever the case may be for you, it is wise to reflect on this if you have children. Of course, you should do it calmly and at a certain distance from what is happening in your life. Thoughtfulness tends to lead people to appropriate actions.

If you are worried about how you are raising your children, or what their future will look like, you should think about it. Is there anything that forces you to remain in a state of constant worry? It is possible for you to try out new strategies to alleviate that worry and channel your energies to other things.

Sometimes you have to act differently if you want to achieve new results. When you choose the same path every time, you will always end up in the same place.


The years go by, and more often than not, you will lose some of your friends. In the same way, you can also make new friends. This happens more markedly when you move away from where you grew up, to a new city or a new country.

As a result, you may experience a feeling of having fewer friends as time goes on. If you experience this, you usually have two options. The first option is to shut yourself off from new friends and instead focus on the circle of friends you already have, even though it may be smaller than what you want. On the other hand, you can open up to new friendships without forgetting the old ones. The right choice will vary from person to person. The most important thing is that you are comfortable with the choice you make.

A very common mistake many people make when it comes to old friends is to idealize them as they were. This may lead you to think that they may not be as good as they used to be. We are talking here about the friendships you formed in middle school or in the sponsor week at university. However, it is not easy to say this with certainty. Regardless, remember that establishing relationships with new people is often beneficial to your emotional health.

Have I wasted my life when it comes to my accomplishments?

A question that often comes before the question “Have I wasted my life?” is “What have I achieved in my life?” . The goal of asking yourself such a question is to assess the extent of your satisfaction when it comes to what you have accomplished in your life. Usually, certain criteria are created to measure by which will normally be associated with making comparisons.

Questions like “Have I achieved everything I wanted with my life?” tend to come from the same type of comparisons. The most damaging aspect of asking such questions is possibly the feeling that you have reached the point of maximum achievement. The thing is, there is almost always more time ahead of you. This means that there are many opportunities to put new opportunities for success on the agenda.

Many people believe that it is never too late to reinvent themselves and achieve what you want. Perhaps this statement is not far from the truth. Regardless, the goals you can set for yourself, as well as the achievements you can achieve, depend, almost exclusively, on yourself.

To reinvent yourself to live

What resources are available to you? What daily limitations do you have to deal with? These questions lead to knowledge of the factors that can prevent you from achieving your goals. They also help you identify what abilities you have that can help you on the path to reaching your goals.

This knowledge is generally important to be able to let go of the burdens you carry. It is important to get away from the things that instead of helping you achieve your goals, make it harder for you to achieve them. Therefore, it is wise to learn from people with admirable qualities and characteristics. It can help you go deeper into this process of knowledge and self-development.

Have I wasted my life?  Only if you stop trying.

The years that have passed, whether many or few, are all full of experiences and memories. You accumulate these as you move forward, and they become the building blocks of your tower of wisdom. This is where you can find the right materials to create a better version of yourself.

Never give up on yourself

If the question “Have I wasted my life?” really bothers you, do not despair. Maybe, just maybe, it can just be a matter of time before it resolves. It is possible that if you go through your goals, you will discover the things you left unfinished. You will then be able to start on the path to the goals you have set for yourself in the past.

What takes away value and quality from your life does not deserve your attention. Instead, dive deeper into the things that bring you joy and benefits. With that in mind, you need to act and keep learning. This is especially true of situations that are of profound importance to your life and that are influenced by your decisions. When it comes to these, you can have one of three attitudes:

  • Make a decision.
  • Do not make a decision.
  • Decide not to decide – even if this in itself is a decision. As such, it is a mental trap.

Only you know which of these three attitudes is the bravest and which is the cowardiest. As Judo champion Kano Jigoro put it, ” It’s not important to be better than anyone else, but to be better than you were yesterday .”

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