The Challenge Of Disconnecting In Our Digital Age

With all the positive things that new technologies have given us, especially the ability to connect people to each other, it also has certain negative sides. Misuse of them can be harmful, which is why it is necessary to know when and how to disconnect from them.
The challenge of disconnecting in our digital age

Can we really disconnect from technology when we are constantly surrounded by phones and computers? Can we put them in airplane mode and take a break? Is it healthy to be available to anyone who may need our help twenty-four hours a day? The new technological advances and all the innovations that have come with them have opened up a world of new possibilities. But unfortunately, many people also become obsessed with the digital world and forget about physical reality. What really happens to us when we cross that line?

Always being a click away (whether it is via email, social media or phone calls) is now considered to be an important characteristic of a caring, hardworking and generous person. But even though it is important to be there for others, you are the most important person in your life. Therefore, you should not neglect what is important to you.

The lives many show up online and on social media are often different from the lives they live in real life. It is important to realize that social media is like a theater, an artificial context. Being able to disconnect from the digital world from time to time is what makes it possible for you to distinguish between the two realities.

Expectations that no one will disconnect

When we send a message, we expect to receive a response immediately. This has become the norm. But it may not always be so good. Knowing what your partner or friends are doing at any given time can actually be harmful. Expecting friends to respond to your requests right away is unhealthy. Have you thought about this before?

We all have the right to be alone. No matter how outgoing you are , all people need a privacy. That’s why being able to disconnect from the web and take a break from the digital presence is so important. We deserve to be able to relax, close our eyes, take a deep breath and focus on our mental state.

hands holding in a silver mobile phone -The challenge of disconnecting in our digital age

What happens to us when we go online?

Some people think that being available online has always been inevitable. But that does not necessarily mean that they are right. It is wild to think about how far technological development has come. We have even reached a point where mental health experts have started talking about how being on the smartphone all day can have a negative impact on our health.

A person’s real life can be very different from what they show on social media. A person who posts a lot of pictures is not necessarily happy, and those who spend more time responding to a request are no worse than those who respond right away.

A healthy approach to all new technology is to use it for your own gain and not the other way around. Do not allow yourself to become their slave. Remember that you are free to decide when and how you want to use social media and digital tools. You choose what you want to post, when and where you want to respond to messages and emails. Everyone who likes and respects you will also understand and respect your boundaries and your privacy.

Our social media, our responsibility

The Internet and the new technologies give us, in general, the opportunity to take responsibility for our own use of social media and digital tools. It is up to us to set good examples for our children. The problem is that all the technological advances that enable us to get closer to others also risk capturing and isolating us in the digital world.

“It has become uncomfortably clear that our technology has transcended our humanity.”

– Albert Einstein –

Two girlfriends give each other a real hug at a café

New technologies, new digital lifestyles

Often, new technological innovations represent a new way of having contact with our near and dear ones, but also the way we live our lives. And often we do not have many other choices than to adapt to this new reality.

For example, if we want to keep our distance from someone, we can block them on our social media, delete their number or in other ways restrict their access to us. The same applies when we meet new people. We are just a click away from more information about the person, sometimes far more than what the person wants us to know.

That said, it’s up to you to decide how far you want to go when it comes to social media and technology in general. How much information should you share with others on the internet? How much time should you spend on phones and computers? When you have this ready for you, you are also ready for a healthy approach to the new technology, and the chance that you will let yourself be controlled by it is also smaller.

Do not forget your physical reality

Nowadays, we have the ability to communicate with those who are far away with just a click. But, if you have friends and family you love close to you, then there is nothing better than spending time with them in physical reality, being together and having face-to-face conversations. Let’s not forget how important real contact is.

The new technologies are a double-edged sword. It is up to you to decide when you want to go offline and live your reality. Do you dare to disconnect and disconnect?

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