The Horror Movies You Play In Your Head – Dealing With Fear

Fear or anxiety is a feeling most of us know. It can occur as a consequence of both real and imagined threats.
The horror movies you play in your head - Dealing with fear

We feed our fears when we blame them for our restraint, isolation or our phobias. The truth is that we feed our fears without being aware of it. If your fears or anxieties paralyze you, or prevent you from doing what you dream of, this article is for you. We want to help you get rid of all the horror movies you play in your head.

These horror movies you play in your head are nothing more than fantasies. You may have experienced a traumatic event that was so devastating to you that you now live in constant fear that the same thing will happen again.

Let’s look at an example to demonstrate this. Imagine that you were robbed and threatened with a knife. This affected you to such an extent that you now fear that the same thing will happen every time you leave the house or apartment. This happens because through these horror movies you play in your head, you relive the traumatic event, which in turn leads you to think it will happen again. Sometimes you can even create other scenarios, add other characters or other fantasies. This causes you to “daydream” about it, and this feeds your fears.

How the mental horror movies you play can limit you

We have explained above how we can fear and re-experience something that has happened before. But what happens when you are afraid of something that has not happened yet? This happens more often than you might think. It can make you limit yourself and hold you back from doing what you really want to do.

Fear can arise both from things that have happened, but also from things that have not happened yet.

For example, if you want to start your own company, but the horror movies you play in your head only show you scenarios where everything ends in defeat or public humiliation, you will probably remain in your comfort zone and do nothing. Although there is no real reason not to take the plunge.

For this reason , we suggest an exercise so that the horror movies you play in your head will no longer prevent you from doing what you want, or experiencing what you want. The exercise requires paper and a pen, and to answer the following questions:

What is the worst that can happen?

Look at the fear that is eternally present in your mind and imagine the worst that can happen. Is it really the fear of failure that holds you back from taking a risk? If we use the example from the beginning of the article, where fear arose as a result of a traumatic event, what is the worst thing that can happen to you? That the same thing will happen again?

If the fear of failure is what you actually fear, look for what is causing this fear in the first place. There may be a lack of information. If so, start researching, finding articles, statistics, etc. There is a lot of free research material on the Internet. In this way, you can acquire the knowledge you need completely free of charge and in a short time. No excuses!

What if your fears are instead the result of a bad or bad experience? In this case, you can sign up for classes or courses in self-defense. That way, you can feel safer and better able to deal with your fears. This will help you to be calm because you know that even if someone tried to hurt you, you would be able to defend yourself. As you can see, there are things you can do to tear down the walls of fear that are holding you back.

What is the probability that it will happen again?

To put an end to the constant horror movies you play in your mind, it is fundamentally important to analyze your fears in an objective way. If you are afraid of failure, think about the probability that it will happen. If you have people around you who can help you on the right path, or if you have a plan-B, the probability will be greatly reduced.

Let’s say you’ve been robbed. What are the chances that it will happen again? It had not happened until that moment, so why should the chances have increased now that it has happened? Your experience may have affected how you perceive things, but you can always change your perspective.

Fear will affect how you see things, but remember that you can always try to see things from a different perspective.

Can Fear Help You?

This is an important question. You need to think about whether the fear you are experiencing will help you in some way. Remember that fear is necessary for survival. If you are in danger, fear can help you get out of that situation. However, look at the fears that affect you, and consider whether it actually helps you or not. Here we give you some situations where fear can hold you back for no reason:

  1. If you think you will regret not having done something in the future, that fear is not helpful in any way.
  2. If fear holds you back from living a normal life, and affects you emotionally, fear is not useful nor does it fulfill its true function.
  3. If you find that your fears do not allow you to grow as a person, it may be time to deal with it once and for all.

Are the horror movies you play in your head just fantasies? If there is no probability that what you fear can happen in real life, you reinforce a fear that is based on only your imagination.

Pros and cons of your fears

After answering the above questions on a piece of paper, you should compare the pros and cons. Imagine that you want to write a book, but you can not start writing. Your fear of failure, humiliation, and not doing well, holds you back. Years go by, and the same horror movies still play in your mind, preventing you from making your dreams come true. Let’s take a look:

The benefits of writing a book The disadvantages of writing a book
  • You will do what you have always wanted to do.
  • Fear that no one will read the book.
  • Even if people do not like what you write, you will have made one of your dreams come true.
  • Not being able to handle making mistakes. You will feel shame and humiliation.
  • Criticism, constructive or not, will help you improve your writing.
  • Thinking that writing a book is too much of a challenge for you.
  • It will help you with your personal development.
  • It will help you grow as a person and become more mature.
  • You will not regret having done it, no matter what.

When you look at this list, you may discover something rather strange. The benefits column calls for action. While the column for disadvantages refers to a number of circumstances that can paralyze you and that can make you predict a future that has not even happened yet. Which is better: to predict a future you have no control over, or take a chance and believe in yourself?

Take control of your fears

If it is still not clear, notice how the column of pros has many more points than the column of cons. Obviously, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in this case. They have a greater value and are more significant. Doing what we want, what we dream of, makes us feel happy. This should be a clear indicator that we should stop postponing things !

Don't let your fears hold you back from fulfilling your dreams!

Probably the horror movies you play in your mind have appeared more than a couple of times in your life. The funny thing is that you assumed that some of them would be much worse than they actually turned out to be. For example, you may have discovered in middle school that speaking in public was not as bad as you first feared. The same can be said for so many other fears and situations. Putting an end to the horror movies you play in your head will not be the easiest thing to do. Little by little, however, you will realize that they did nothing but restrain you and hold you back.

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