The House Without A Master – A Beautiful Story

The story of the house without a master is a great lesson for those parents who spend more time at work than with their children. Making children happy does not necessarily mean buying them what they want whenever they want.
The house without a master - a beautiful story

The story of the house without a master tells the story of a family consisting of a mother, a father and their 9-year-old son. The three lived in a beautiful house where fortunately they always had everything they needed. Both mother and father always took care of it. They both worked so that they could live comfortably.

The boy was obedient and did very well at school. The nanny always wanted to pick him up from school every afternoon. Then she would take him home, where a tasty lunch was always waiting for him. The mother would always leave precise instructions so that the son ate healthy and nutritious food.

In the afternoon, both the mother and the father wanted to call home to check on their son. They did this because the boy usually fell asleep before coming home. This was their way of maintaining contact with their son. The story of the house without a master tells us that the boy felt grateful, but also  lonely.

The house without a master

A strange request

One day her mother came home from work and saw that her son was waiting for her awake. She was surprised since it was late at night. Had something happened? Was he sick? She was worried, so she started asking him all kinds of questions. The boy asked her to calm down. He was just waiting for her because he wanted to ask her something.

This story tells that the mother sat down next to the son and gave him full attention. She was willing to listen to what he had to say. The boy asked her, “How much do you earn per hour at your job?” The mother felt very confused. She did not expect that question.

Before her mother answered, she asked, “Why do you want to know? Do you need something? Do you want me to buy you something? ” The boy just said he wanted to know the exact amount. Still confused, the mother replied, “Up to 1000 kroner per hour.” The boy seemed pleased. Then he said good night to his mother and went to bed.

The mother was left worried. She thought that her son’s question was a sign that something was wrong. She did not think it made sense. Would he ask her something but could not? Did he have money problems? When her father came home, she told him what had happened. They both agreed to pay more attention to their son.

Boy with dog

A new request

Two months later, nothing new had happened. His parents thought he had only asked because he was genuinely  curious. But one night his father came home very late at night, as usual. The boy came out of the room and found his father. He was waiting for him. The father was surprised. Had something happened? Was it a problem?

The child began to ask him the same question he asked his mother, “How much do you earn per hour at your job?” The father responded immediately, “I earn 1000.” After thinking about it for a few seconds, his expression changed.  He asked his son, “What are you thinking?” But the son said nothing. “Tell me what you want!” Asked a very upset father. “Nothing, nothing,” replied the boy, who was quite frightened.

After that, the father decided to call the nanny. He wanted to know if she had noticed that he was behaving strangely or out of the ordinary. Hun na nei. Maybe the only thing that was different now was that the boy went to a friend’s house every afternoon and always came back a few hours later. 

Boy watching crow

The end of the story of the house without a master

The father suspected that the son was hiding something. For this reason, he postponed some tasks at work and decided to spy on his son. He wanted to know why he went home to his friend every afternoon. As usual, the boy went to his friend’s house. The father noticed that the son spent his time  mowing the lawn and washing cars. He then came home.

Happy family

The father then asked his son what was going on. Why did he go to his friend’s house to work? Why was he so worried about money? The boy was surprised, so he decided to admit it. He worked because he needed money. “I have already earned 2000,” he said. “Now I can pay mother so she can be with me for two hours. I just need to earn 2,000 more, so I can pay you, too. ”

The story of the house without a master is a great lesson for those parents who spend more time at work than with their children. Making children happy does not necessarily mean buying them what they want whenever they want. No matter how happy they may be with material things, it is most important for them to have an emotional connection with their parents.

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