The Influence Of The Environment On A Good Night’s Sleep

What changes can you make to your bedroom to get a good night’s sleep? Discover them here!
The influence of the environment on a good night's sleep

The psychology of colors explains how aesthetics can affect rest and the psyche. Yes, it is true that you can use decorative strategies to adapt light and darkness to your needs. Letting your imagination and creativity flow in these cases can actually help solve sleep problems. That said, it is important to consider the impact of the environment on a good night’s sleep to create the perfect room for a good rest.

Previous studies show that just under 10 percent of the adult population in Norway suffers from sleep problems. In these cases, it is recommended to use relaxation and sleep induction strategies.

Furthermore, psychological, behavioral and even environmental factors affect sleep. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how the environment affects the cells that are responsible for inducing a good night’s sleep. In addition, we will guide you on what changes you can make to your room to facilitate good sleep.

The influence of the environment on a good night’s sleep

One of the most common sleep disorders is insomnia, which alters the body’s homeostasis and makes it difficult to rest. Stress, bad habits and looking at screens before bedtime are some of the reasons.

Woman getting a good night's sleep.

Colors that induce sleep

Believe it or not, colors affect the emotional brain. In her work Psychology of Color, psychologist Eva Heller talked about the colors that provide greater harmony and benefits for rest.

Among them are pure colors such as white, which give lunimosity and create a neutral and cleansing environment. In addition, we have colors that are reminiscent of those we can find in nature, such as green, brown, blue, lavender or gray. When combined with neutral colors, such as white, they create a pleasant atmosphere.

Light, a good friend of rest and a good night’s sleep

The cells in the brain capture light. These cells are responsible for telling the brain that a new cycle is beginning and that it must stay awake and active. For this reason, it is important to limit exposure to strong colors before bedtime.

Intense blue light stimulates the photoreceptors, which negatively affects the secretion of melatonin, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. The opposite happens with dim yellow light, which can be very helpful.

A relaxing and comfortable temperature

When we talk about the influence of the environment on a good night’s sleep, we are not just referring to the colors around you. Actually, temperature plays an important role in this activity. The room temperature must be lower than the body temperature. According to research, body temperature tends to drop a few degrees during the night.

For this reason, the room temperature must be approx. 20º C.

Fill the room with feng shui

Even though you may not be aware of it, feng shui helps reduce stress significantly. Thus, you can decorate your room with this technique which is very beneficial for you if your ultimate goal is to get good sleep.

Feng shui emphasizes the importance of optimal natural light and a spacious and tidy room. At the same time, it uses materials that provide calm, such as wood or metal. When it comes to the color of the environment, bright colors are best.

Woman sleeping.

Ideas for a good night’s sleep

Now that you know about the influence of the environment on a good night’s sleep, you’re probably wondering what you can do.

We already shared tips on color psychology, lighting, temperature and feng shui. If you follow them, we are sure that your sleep will be better. However, we have other recommendations for you:

  • Use colors inspired by nature.
  • Apply a warm type of lighting to the room. Avoid intense blue lights and take advantage of natural lighting as much as you can.
  • You can use blackout curtains to prevent outside light from entering your room.
  • Lower the brightness of the mobile screen.
  • Avoid high air conditioning in summer.
  • Avoid thick duvets in winter and too high heating.
  • Remember that for positive energy to flow in the room, you need to keep it organized and clean.
  • Wood, water and metal are the three natural components of feng shui that provide good energy. Use them if you want.

In short, sleep problems can have different causes, and some of them can be out of your control. However, it is important to remember that you can take a number of measures that can weigh up and favor rest. Dare to refurnish the room, we are sure you will notice the difference!

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