The Moment You Decide To Love Your Body, No Matter What Shape It Has

The moment you decide to love your body, no matter what shape it has

The moment you decide to love your body regardless of shape or weight is a big step in your story. It is a step that many people fail to take because of the prejudices they have picked up about how a body “should” be.

But… what should a body be like? Let us ask ourselves a few questions before we judge and destroy the body’s own dignity: what should a body really be like? Who says that? Of course, fashion plays a big role in how we think about our body. The fashion industry tells us what to think.

However, our own ideas and interests are completely valid, and we are entitled to them. After all, it is up to you to decide if you want to accept your body according to standards written by others or those you create. It is a personal choice, but not always one that is conscious.

Love your body: it deserves acceptance, not constant insults

If we accept our body based on external standards, standards that change with the fashion industry, we will spend our entire lives chained to something we cannot control. But if you are one of the few who defends your body instead of attacking it, you will be on the path to acceptance.

We do not treat ourselves with love. Instead, we look at our body very critically as having a constant need for “repair.” We always find something in ourselves that is not “good enough”. And this criticism sometimes gets cruel, especially in some parts of life. Especially in youth.

accept your body

Almost all people feel the need to be seen and admired. In many cases, the need is limited to the body. So the body “must be” in a certain way to be worthy of being looked at. It identifies us as unique and special. But the same body ends up being filled with constant inner struggles.

Love your body: stop judging it

Thus, our body becomes a battlefield, a real disaster zone. Society teaches us to focus on what we do not like about our bodies. You are not taught to accept and love your body. No one encourages us to explore it with curiosity instead of evaluating it. We punish our body and do not even know about it.

Therefore, the body becomes a prison cell for many people. Not a home, not a place of wonder and surprise and change. For them, it is a heavy burden to bear. A disadvantage in a competitive, very future-oriented world.

Love your body.

What if our body shouts at us and we do not listen? “Love me! Take care of me, please! Do not sell me for the highest bid! ” It is only when we free ourselves from our judgmental lens that the world gave us that we will be able to change it to a more friendly and healthier lens.

We need to change our perspective. “Yes, I have cellulite, but I decide to look at my body with love and not with disgust.” “Yes, I have a little stomach, but instead of going to the gym as punishment, I want to go because I enjoy it.”

Of course, health is the basis for an urgent need for change. Feeling good about our body happens when we take care of it from a place of acceptance and love.

Exercise, walk, dance, take care of your body, look at it. It’s part of being connected to it. To discover how it works . Learning to look at yourself with more kindness is worth it.

There is a big difference between “taking care” of your body and wanting to punish it. As if it were a temporary shell you only lived in until you could rebuild it. Work on accepting that this is your body, now and forever. You should love your body regardless of weight or shape, because it is the only one you have.

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