The Stars We Think Are The Volatile Ones, Not Them

The stars we think are the volatile ones, not them

A long time ago I got tired of blowing dandelions, wishing when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake and looking for four-leaf clovers. Now I look for the magic in my hands, and for the happiness in my own heart… Because we are ultimately those who are fleeting, not the stars. Therefore, the best moment to be happy is always here and now.

It is possible that many of us can identify with this. But when was the last time you dared to put away your watch and phone and fully lived here and now? Many of us do not think that in English the word “present” and “gift” are the same, namely present . And good gifts are meant to be enjoyed and above all to be appreciated.

We should try to learn a little more from children every day. In every game you can find magic and the most native passion. They swing from one stimulus to the next, appreciating the present. A moment where an infinite number of interesting things could happen. Until the voice of an adult appears, puts pressure on them, introduces them to the disease called ” hurry ” and the enemy called ” time “.

We have become accustomed to measuring time by quantity instead of quality. Children can only be children and play from 6 to 7. And adults postpone happiness until Friday or the summer holidays. It is not correct.

The society that no longer looks at the stars

Volatile things have always seemed beautiful to human eyes. A winter flower, a drop of dew at dawn, a rainbow after a storm… But we also forget that we too are fleeting and wonderfully beautiful. And that time is not a guaranteed asset. Time is a gift, and it is up to us to take advantage of it.

But we do not do that very well. We are no longer like the societies that watched the stars and learned their cycles. We live in a multitasking society, where we have run out of reflection or imagination. Time, far from being a gift, is now seeping through our fingers. It’s like star dust lost in space.

We encourage our children to put down their toys, to complete their tasks quickly and to go to school. Then they go to corps rehearsals and then to ballet. We, meanwhile, are preparing for tomorrow’s plans and watching the news. The news, which shows the headlines at the bottom of the screen, so we never lose that sense of immediacy. Because something always happens that we need to know.

We are a society that only looks at the stars to wish us something: to cry out for lost happiness. Because multitasking and demanding too much of yourself does not always provide efficiency. The brain does not work that way. Overloading makes it inefficient and hopelessly unhappy.

We are wonderfully volatile, so learn to shine

We are volatile creatures, that’s true. Our part of life is limited. Therefore, during this wonderful journey,  we must learn to do one thing: shine. Because stopping the clock and living with intensity is actually possible. You do not even have to look for great experiences. The most important thing for us is to use our best attitudes, even if we do it during a part of the day that is quite routine. It’s about knowing how to thrive.

David M. Levy, a researcher and professor at the University of Washington, explains that in order to learn to be more present, you need to make contact with the silence from time to time. Our attention is limited, and yet we fill our minds with more stimuli and persistent noise.

We need our own mental ecosystem to be able to relax in. A forest, a swamp of peace and silence in the middle of our minds where we can stop the clock and appreciate the time for what it is: a gift. A dimension where we can immerse ourselves and our five senses. Just like children do when we really let them be children.

Because vital satisfaction cannot be achieved through the tasks you complete or the number of experiences experienced . You achieve satisfaction through the intensity with which you have been able to appreciate every action, every detail, every aspect of your personal story. This is where our authentic inner light lies. The light that could surely compete with the brightest star in the sky.

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