The Strange Attraction Of Impossible Love

Who has not at one time succumbed to the bitter sweetness and attraction of impossible love? The first thing that comes to mind here is adolescent infatuation. Many young people have felt something for their teacher. A platonic love that was satisfied with a look or a smile, that made them dream of more. Nothing could come out of it of course. And yet it was a strange form of joy at only being able to dream of the possibility of love.

Of course, there are also the impossible infatuations of a pop star, an actress or another famous person. These are the feelings we can get for people we see on screen, for example, even if the object of our love has no idea of ​​our existence. We perceive them as close to us, but in reality they are light years away. Nevertheless, many teenagers and even young people or adults have experienced this.

The true impossible love, however, is that which begins with a spark, which ignites into flames, but unfortunately they are besieged by bad luck and insurmountable obstacles. They are emotions that are lived intensely, and that somehow never die.

Different types of impossible love

The experts on the subject say that there are basically three types of impossible love. One is “ghost love”, the other is “narcissistic love” and finally it is “difficult love”. The first refers to cases where you fall in love with someone who does not exist (the way you see them). You need to love someone and you give a certain person some qualities and virtues they do not have. That person almost always represents a way to fill the void of childhood.

Impossible love heart

On the other hand is the impossible narcissistic love. Their impossibility lies in the fact that you will never be able to achieve them. You spend your whole life looking for a perfect partner, because you feel that is what you deserve, but you will never find them. It is the love of emptiness, a desire for an exalted version of one’s own ego. When you love in this way, loneliness is the only thing you experience. You will never find anyone who can make your imagination come true.

In the end, love is often impossible because of difficulties and obstacles. This is love that has difficulty realizing. There are special conditions that make them very complex. The other person may already be in a relationship. Or there may be someone who simply can not fall in love with you. Or in other cases, strong religious or ideological oppositions are preventing it.

In this last group we include the cases of good love relationships where one of the partners dies. The partner dies, but the love that unites you does not die. You get caught up in the conflict of loving someone who no longer exists, at least for a while. If there are no other emotional issues involved, then these are impossible loves that can be overcome over time.

The attraction of impossible love

It is these impossible loves that lead us to discover the poet we all have in us. The most pragmatic have never experienced it, but they have missed an experience that is both hell and amazing. All love needs some kind of impossibility to keep the flame burning. And when the total impossibility is experienced, the soul burns, but so does our creativity and the impulse to live and die in the same moment.

attraction of impossible love

Impossible love feels like a tragedy. At the very least, this is how it feels when you struggle to make it a reality. It fills you with anxiety, and you find yourself with the paradox of not being able to leave the person, but at the same time not being able to win them. You experience suffering and joy at the same time, happiness and abyss.

After all, they have a unique attraction. They put you to the test, they challenge the deepest part of you. And one thing is for sure: you will never forget them. They are never remembered with indifference. They fade with time, but they never cease to be a spark that makes your heart skip a beat.

Only sometimes does impossible love become a burden. This happens when you can not give up the imagination and cling blindly to it. When you fail to accept that it is not meant to be. This can give you terrible pain and can even make you sick. And yet, if you want to learn to truly love, these impossible loves can be the best teacher of them all.

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