The Two Sides Of Ambition – A Virtue Or A Burden?

Ambitions are somewhat ambiguous, and not everyone agrees on whether they are positive or negative.
The two sides of ambition - A virtue or a burden?

Ambitions are paradoxical. Some schools of thought condemn ambitions, while others praise them. In fact, ambition is one of the traits that we are not sure whether to classify as a virtue or a burden. That is why we have decided to talk about the two sides of ambition.

Large Norwegian encyclopedia defines ambition as “t”. The definition itself shows the two sides of ambition. On the one hand, the desire to achieve a difficult goal. On the other hand, trivial goals.

There is another way of looking at the two sides of ambition: when someone is too ambitious or not ambitious enough. If you are not ambitious enough, you simply accept your current reality. It will be difficult for you to develop or grow. If you are overly ambitious, you can do unscrupulous things. You can decide to go for what you want, no matter what the costs.

Lack of ambition and conformity

Society spews out messages that encourage people to accept things as they are. They tell people that they should not try to change things and just settle down with the current situation. This can be a positive message if what you are looking for is impossible to achieve. For example, when someone you love dies and you do not want to accept it.

An unambitious guy

However, under other circumstances, this same message may be harmful. Usually this message has its origins in fear, authoritarianism or both. People naturally strive to get better. We do not just submit to our fate. This message comes from schools of thought that want to promote obedience. It makes it easier to control people.

Fear, lack of self-confidence or excessive dependence on external forces can make you a conformist. In other words, you give up your ambition. You are content with what life offers you, and you do not try to get anything else.

Greed and over-ambition

At the other end of the spectrum is greed. Greed is about boundless desire and lust for success and fame. Greed is like a bottomless pit because no matter what you have, it never feels like it’s enough. You always want more and more. If you are greedy, you will never be satisfied.

Greed is a toxic feeling. It pulls you into the darkness and takes those around you with it as well. Greed will not stop for anything. Greedy people believe that the goal justifies the means. The most important thing is to get more and more. It does not matter what you have to do to get it.

A pair in front of a blackboard with strong arms - The two sides of ambition

People get carried away by greed because they feel something is missing in life. It is not necessarily that they are actually missing something. That’s just the way they feel. They can not stand to lack anything, no matter how small. Deep down, they feel that this will one day fill the void they have inside.

The two sides of ambition

You can see now that there are two sides to ambition. You can be overly ambitious or unambitious. But this also depends on the motives that drive your ambition. How do you handle it and what is your goal?

Ambition and big dreams are made of the same material. They involve both enormous efforts and tough decisions. You have to take risks and take unknown paths to get what you want . In that sense, ambition is a virtue. It takes you out of your comfort zone and inspires you to do more. It is the source of important accomplishments in life.

The two sides of ambition also have to do with your purpose. Is your intention constructive or obsessive and selfish? In either case, you need strength to reach your goal. But they are not the same. If your goals are admirable, the ambition is positive. If you just want to make yourself look good and feed narcissism, it becomes a burden.

A businesswoman with the ambition to climb the career ladder

Encouraging unambitiousness and conformity is not good. This only creates uncertainty and devalues ​​people’s efforts to do better. But you should also not encourage unlimited ambition to get more and more. The key is to learn to balance the two sides of ambition and understand their subtle differences.

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