The World Is Full Of Significant Details That Deserve Our Appreciation

The world is full of significant details that deserve our appreciation

Some see, but they do not observe. Some hear but do not listen, and others touch but do not feel. Therefore, I prefer those who appreciate the significant details and subtleties that life has to offer.

I like people who know how to observe and go on an inner journey. Because combining intentionality with excitement means a much more enjoyable life.

Anthropologists and psychologists say that observation has always been the key to humankind’s survival. However, we have reached a point in our development that is defined by distraction.

All of us are part of an unstoppable, overstimulated society that ignores our senses but at the same time is unable to sleep. We will do everything without really seeing what or who is there in front of us.

Experts tell us that if we did not use to be good observers, we would probably be extinct. Our ancestors used all their senses to perceive danger, but also beneficial things. We adjusted our hearing, our vision and our sense of smell to capture every detail of our environment… Nothing escaped us.

But now most of us have become lazy observers. Neither acoustic nor visual signals are enough to make us look up as we cross the street.

Not only do we see danger, but some of us also lack significant details and the fascinating subtleties that make up life.

Painting by Edward Hopper, women in a café

A good observer sees more than simple details

Significant details are like little pieces of information in our world. A gesture, a look, a voice, a change of light, a slanted image, an insect drinking from a drop of dew… All these are subtleties there in our field of vision. Yet we do not appreciate them, perhaps because of a lack of will, perhaps because of a lack of time.

We must also remember that “seeing is not the same as observing”.  To better understand this, let’s take a moment to look at Edward Hopper’s painting, which you can see above here.

Some people will simply focus their eyes on the work for a few seconds without appreciating or noticing anything. Others, however, will see with intent.

They will decide what they want to see, capture the soul of the painting, read about its significant details. In fact, they will “consider” it to the point that they imagine they are in it.

A good observer, someone who transcends reality, will experience the subtle puzzle that Hopper tried to convey with this painting.

We see two women in a restaurant. The strangest thing is that they are similar to each other, including the movement of the woman in front. Reason? The young woman in front of her is her double, her double, her “other me”.

The act of “seeing” is the first step of consciousness. It is a little “me” that helps us discriminate against things, objects, people. However, it is the act of “observing” that allows us to wake up, which gives us the opportunity to look to the other side to connect with its soul and capture its essence.

An eye sees

Interestingly, the enneagram test contains an “observer” personality,  which is defined as a curious, innovative person. They are able to refrain from things to make their own judgments. They also have independent, simple and very insightful personalities.

The world is full of significant details that deserve our admiration

In today’s society we see, but we do not observe. We sweep our phones with a routine, mechanical, and sometimes obsessive act. We sit in front of the television and just absorb what they throw at us.

The same thing happens sometimes with our lives. We see and breathe, but we do not live, at least not as we could really live: with our eyes open and an open heart.

One of the most interesting books on the subject is “Listen with the Eyes” ( Escuchar con los ojos ) by Ferrán Ramón Cortés.

His points could not be easier. A man suddenly sees that one of his most valuable colleagues is leaving his job. The main character does not understand why and realizes that even though he has worked with her for 5 years, he does not know her.

So he decides to improve his social skills. He decides to start taking photographs and learning to look at the subject to better understand his life. To capture details, transcend, know how to evaluate things.

He wants to reach people with authenticity by taking off the “layers of the onion” one by one.

Edward Hopper's painting, a study in meaningful detail

To conclude, we can all choose one of two possibilities in our daily lives: to just look at life, or to take a closer look at our reality of being an active participant.

It is also a third, more rewarding alternative, but it takes more time and willpower. It is choosing to “consider” our lives,  to touch the soul of things and immerse ourselves in their many mysteries and riddles.

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