There Are A Thousand Ways To Say “I Love You ” On

I love you. These three words are so simple, but they are so hard to say.  They can be expressed in several different ways. Through a hug, through caring for each other, by making their favorite dish, by going to the movies to see a movie you know you will not like, and so on. Therefore, an “I love you” is a hug, a moment of silence, questions that show the other person that you are listening to them, or to give them our hand when the person we love feels overwhelmed.

An emotion can be expressed through actions as well as through words. However, we tend to think that we can only “talk” about a feeling by using our language. This is not true, because we are always aware of the attitudes of the other person, we notice what the other person really feels. There are a thousand ways to say “I love you” without you even having to use the three words. 

What an “I love you” means

When you are in a new relationship and have been through this love affair a couple of times before, it takes time before you express your true feelings.  We may start with a shy “I like you”, and you only say “I love you” when you are completely sure of your own feelings. 

We are exposed to the feeling of vulnerability, sensitivity and even a little “stupidity”. Yet  it seems that by revealing our feelings, we place the other person in a position that in a way forces them to say that their feelings are mutual.  This may be the reason why the silence begins, and that it is preserved, and days, weeks, or even months, may pass while this condition persists.

While each person has their own rhythm and speed they say “I love you” in, the truth is that the three words contain so much more than warm feelings. They symbolize a commitment, an effort, a step that we may not yet be willing to take, but that many times we wish we could take.

How to say “I love you” without using exactly those words

We are not made of stone, nor are we heartless, insensitive robots. However, not expressing our feelings in words is a completely different topic. You may think that the only way to tell your partner, your parents, your friends or your grandparents that you love them very much is to use these “three magic words”.

That’s not true, however, there are a thousand different ways to show affection, love and care. They are based on the attitudes we have towards others,  it is about how we care for them and want them to feel good. The actions of our day-to-day life can express what we feel more than if you walk around saying “I love you” all the time.

“How have you been today?” “Drive carefully.” “Do not forget to bring a jacket.” “I made lasagna just the way you like it.” “You can choose which movie to watch.” “Have you slept well?” “I can take the kids.” “Just stay put and I’ll get breakfast.” “That shirt looks great on you.” “I’ve brought the cookies you like so much.” “Do you want a ride?” “You did a great job!” “Dinner tasted great.”  and the list goes on and on.

See how easy it is to show others that we care about them? Actions are as valuable as an “I love you” repeated among fears and prejudices. You have probably heard the popular saying “a picture says more than a thousand words.” In this case, we can say that “a good attitude is good and improves when we add three simple words and actions that reflect what these words express.”

Saying “I like you” versus saying “I love you”

Many say that “I like you” has risen before “I love you”. Others say that the former implies a sense of ownership, and the latter a sense of giving yourself away. The truth is that somehow, we express what is happening inside us.

Do not be embarrassed or self-conscious about saying neither one nor the other of these miraculous, unique and wonderful phrases. You will feel good and you will also make the other person happy. You must also remember that “words are weak against the wind”.  For they must be followed by actions to form part of the foundation of a relationship, it is necessary to build them up with actions.

“I miss you.” “Be careful.” “Have a nice evening.” “I was just thinking about you.” “There is food ready for you in the oven.” “Tell me when you get home.” “Bring an umbrella.” “Would you like a cup of coffee?” …  In what ways are you going to say “I love you” today? 

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